We are horrified by the cold-blooded massacre of 50 peaceful Muslim worshippers, including women and children, in Christchurch, New Zealand, last Friday. The brutal and merciless killing of innocent and defenceless worshippers devastates us. Our thoughts and prayers are with the scores of injured who remain hospitalised. Our deepest, heartfelt condolences go out to the families who have lost their loved ones. We pray that the agony of the bereaved may find some comfort and solace in knowing those slain will be granted paradise, God willing.
In recent times, we have seen levels of racist and anti-religious sentiments on the rise globally. We witnessed the horrific terror attacks at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, and Muslim worshippers mowed down in Finsbury Park, London. In each of these cases, the perpetrators self-identified as holding far-right nationalist views and expressed hatred for racial and religious minorities. Views such as these have found a natural home in far-right populist narratives. If such abhorrent views go unchecked in the media, and indeed within mainstream political discourse and institutions, minority communities of all descriptions will continue to face increasing threats of persecution around the world.
The terrorist attack in Christchurch against innocent worshippers was calculated and extremely well-planned. The accused, Brenton Tarrant, spewed his hatred for Muslims and immigrants in his evil manifesto, calling them “invaders” and “foreign scum”. He live-streamed his attack while hundreds of other extremist sympathisers watched and cheered him on. This massacre was inspired by hatred of Islam and Muslims. This bigotry has been fuelled by certain callous academics, reckless politicians as well as media outlets who regularly feature those who demonise Islam and Muslims with impunity, disguising their vile mantra behind a veneer of objectivity.
The massacre of Muslims did not just begin with bullets fired from the barrel of Tarrant’s gun. Rather it was decades in the making: inspired by Islamophobic media reports, hundreds and thousands of column inches of hatred printed in the press, many Muslim-hating politicians and unchecked social-media bigotry. Muslims have been constantly cast as suspect communities, foreigners with barbaric views who are a threat to our society. We are now reaping the awful outcome of systemic and institutionalised Islamophobia woven into many sections of our societies. This racism and xenophobia that has been allowed to fester for far too long – has deadly consequences – presenting one of the most significant challenges to civilised society in contemporary times.
People of all faiths and none must unite to state emphatically: an attack against one community is an attack against us all. We must never allow these terrorists to undermine the respect and love we have for one another, as brothers and sisters in humanity. This cycle of senseless violence must stop. We call upon the respected governments of the world to realise the dangerous threats posed by far-right groups and white supremacists and to take proactive measures in order to protect and educate citizens. We will continue to be inspired by the Qur’an (5:32), which states: “whoever saves one life – it is as if he had saved mankind in its entirety”.
Lastly, we thank and acknowledge the global outpouring of support for Muslim communities and especially that for the Christchurch Muslim community.
Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj Foundation, UK
Dr. Rateb Jneid, President, The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils
Dr. Yasir Qadhi, The Islamic Seminary of America, USA
Imam Suhaib Webb, Resident Scholar, ICNYU, USA
Dr. Mohamed Fadel, Professor of Law, University of Toronto, Canada
Imam Yahya Ibrahim, Chaplain - Curtin University & The University of Western Australia
Imam Ghulam Rasool, Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust, UK (Sandwell), Trustee and Principal
Imam Haider Ibrahim, Pres, Islamic Shia Association, Sweden
Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman Mangera, Whitethread Institute, London, UK
Mufti Mohammed Zubair Butt, Senior Jurisconsult, Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence, Bradford, UK
Dr. Jasser Auda, Pres, Maqasid Institute (UK), Member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars and European Council for Fatwa and Research
Shaykh Shadi al-Suleiman, Australian National Imams Council
Shaykh Navaid Aziz, Islamic Information Society of Calgary, Canada
Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, As-Suffa Institute, Birmingham, UK
Shaykh Mohammed Faqih, Imam, Religious Director of Islamic Institute of Orange County, USA
Imam Ajmal Masroor, Broadcaster and Marriage Counsellor, UK
Imam Abdullah Hasan, Imams Against Domestic Abuse (IADA), UK
Imam Yaser Birjas, Valley Ranch Islamic Center, Dallas Texas, USA
Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani Raza (Misbahi) Chairman: London Fatwa Council, UK
Dr. Rania Awaad, Asst Professor Stanford University and Zaytuna College, USA
Dr. Mukthar Osman, Imam York Way Mosque, UK
Dr. Mansur Ali, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Dr. H.A. Hellyer / Senior Associate Fellow, Royal United Services Institute, London / Professor, UTM Centre for Advanced Study of Islam, Science and Civilisation, Malaysia
Imam Sayed Ammar Nakshawani, Hyderi Islamic Centre, UK
Imam Abid Khan, Cheadle Mosque, Manchester, UK
Imam Zahed Fettah, Imam of Wisdom Cultural and Islamic Centre, Birmingham, UK
Imam Zuber Karim, Al Maktoum Mosque, Dundee, Scotland, UK
Dr. Shuruq Naguib, Lancaster University, UK
Ustadha Fatima Barkatulla, London, UK
Shaykh Dr. Umar Al-Qadri, Chief Imam, Islamic Centre of Ireland
Imam Fazlurrahman Hassan, Muslim Chaplain, East Lancs Healthcare NHS Trust, UK
Shaykh Abdul Mateen, Imam & Head Teacher, Quwwatul Islam Mosque, London, UK
Imam Omar Hajaj, West London Islamic Cultural Centre, UK
Imam Suliman Gani, Purely Mosque, UK
Shaykh Tahir Mahmood Kiani, Imam, Oxford, UK
Mawlana Imran Majile, London, UK
Mufti Amjad Mohammed, The Olive Foundation and Wifaqul Ulamā, UK
Imam Muhammad Shoyaib Nurgat, Masjid e Umer Walthamstow, UK
Shaykh Shahin-ur Rahman, Al-Rahma, UK
Imam Hamza Khandwalla, Dundee Central Mosque, Scotland, UK
Imam Mohammed Abubakar Saleem, Huddersfield Community First, UK
Shaykh Mohammed Shakeeb, Imam Perth Mosque, Western Australia
Dr. Abida Malik, University of Nottingham, UK
Dr. Fella Lahmar, MIHE, UK
Imam Mustafa Umar, president California Islamic University, USA
Imam Fadel Soliman, Director Bridges Foundation, Egypt
Imam Muhammad Mustaqeem Shah, Abu Bakr Trust, Walsall, UK
Mawlana Hafizur Rahman, UK
Imam Ismail Bhana, Masjid Noorulislam Bradford, UK
Mawlana Sajid Safdar, Masjid-e-Umar, Bradford, UK
Imam Ahmed Desai, Masjid Quba Bradford, UK
Mufti Siraj Saleh, Masjid Quba Bradford, UK
Imam Mohammed Waseem, Masjid At-Taqwa, Bradford, UK
Ustadh Arnold Yasin Mol, Lecturer Fahm Instituut, PhD student Islamic studies (Leiden University), NL
Imam Kubra Kaya-Elci, Islamic spiritual care worker, NL
Ustadh Yusuf Celik, Lecturer Islamic studies, PhD student (The University of Edinburgh), NL
Imam Hüseyin Önal, Teacher religious studies (Cornelius Haga Lyceum), NL
Ustadh Arjen Buitelaar, Founder Chairman of Su-Shi Intrafaith Dialogue, NL
Ustadha Anne Dijk, Founder Fahm Instituut, NL
Ustadh Kamel Essabane, Lecturer Fahm Instituut, NL
Imam Azzedine Karrat, NL
Imam Habib Ahmad, Colchester Mosque, UK
Imam Ridhaur Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Shaykh Imtiyaz Damiel, Abu Hanifah Foundation, UK
Mufti Umair Zulfiqar, World Islamic Forum, UK
Imam Jalal ibn Sa’eed, Al Fitrah Academy, Eid Celebration Committee, UK
Imam Mirazm Khan, UKIM Neeli Mosque, Rochdale, UK
Dr. Ahmad al-Barouni, (SAIS), School of Arabic and Islamic Studies, London, UK
Imam Abdul Aziz Suraqah, MCCGP (Muslim Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh), USA
Dr. Salman Younas, Religious teacher (SeekersGuidance), Researcher (Oxford University)
Mawlana Bashir Goni, Chairman, Colchester Mosque, UK
Shaykh Bilal Brown, Oldham, UK
Dr. Ermin Sinanovic, Center for Islam in the Contemporary World at Shenandoah University, USA
Imam Abid Salik, York Mosque, UK
Dr. Abul Kalam Azad, Principal Muslim Family Institute, London, UK
Shaykh Samir Hussain, Islamic Studies Teacher, ISNA High School, Canada
Dr. Sariya Cheruvallil, Coventry, UK
Mufti Zubair Patel, Imam Zakaria Academy, UK
Dr. Abdul Haq Bewley, Bradford, UK
Dr. Basil Q. Muhamnad, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq
Imam Imad Chowdhury, Manchester, UK
Imam Khidir Hussain, Masjid Ayesha, Tottenham, London, UK
Shaykh Dr. Abu Ibrahim, UK
Shaykh Yusuf Shabbir, UK
Mufti Sufyan Ibn Ya’qub, UK
Imam Khalid Ghagour, Limerick Islamic Cultural Centre, Ireland
Dr. Abdul Majid, Director Islamwood Foundation, UK
Imam Wael Ibrahim, Student Counsellor at the Australian Islamic College Western Australia
Imam Atef Mahmoud, Imam de la mosquée Alhidaya, Paris, France
Imam Kashif Ahmad, Braintree Mosque, UK
Ustadha Sidra Naeem, Teacher, UK
Imam Afjol Ahmed, Chelmsford Mosque, UK
Ustadha Rehanah Sadiq, Chaplain, Birmingham NHS Trust, UK
Mufti Omar Baig, Mississauga, Canada
Shaykh Adnan Khan, Rabbaniah Islamic Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Shaykh Ammar al-Madani, As-Salaam, Manchester, UK
Shaykh Mostahfiz Gani, Kingston Mosque, UK
Shaykh Hasib Noor, Founder & Executive Director of The Legacy Institute, USA
Shaykh Idris Watts, UK
Pir Ahmed Zaman, Naqshbandi Jamati, Jamati Amir Millat Mosque, Birmingham, UK
Dr. Wasfi Abu Zaid, Trustee, International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), Egypt
Shaykh Muhammed al Hasan al-Dedew, president Centre for the development of Scholars, Mauritania
Imam Hasan Qatergi, Pres, Islamic Union of Lebanon
Shaykh Fahimul Anam, Beacons Institute, London, UK
Imam Mohamed Elsayed, Imam of AIC Adelaide and member of ANIC
Dr. Khaled Hanafy, Dean, European College of Human Sciences, Germany
Shaykh Abdullah Khan, president Islamic Schools Association of Australia & Executive Principal, Australian Islamic College, Australia
Mawlana Ilyas Patel, Bolton, UK
Imam Ghulam Moyhuddin, Head Imam, Ashton Central Mosque, Ashton-under-Lyne, UK
Imam Ali Omar, Jamia Masjid Ahl-e-hadith, Halifax, Jamaica
Imam Mustafa Raslan, Jamia Masjid Ahl-e-hadith, Halifax, Jamaica
Dr. Aasim Padela, University of Chicago, USA
Mufti Billal Omarjee, Blackburn, UK
Imam Aziz Ibrahim, Darul Arqam, Bolton, UK
Shaykh Amer Jamil, Scotland, UK
Ustadh Abdurraheem Green, Chairman iERA, UK
Dr. Chokri Majouli, Imam of Finsbury Park Mosque, London, UK
Imam Abdur Rahman, St. Ives Mosque & Islamic Centre, UK
Shaykh Zaqir Shaikh of Darul Arqam Educational Trust, Leicester, UK
Mawlana Adam Sayid, Religious advisor at the Association Of British Muslims, UK
Shaykh Saad Tasleem, AlMaghrib Institute, USA
Ustadh Abu Ibrahim Idoe, Lecturer Minhaj ul-Quran, NL
Shaykh Abdul Wahab Saleem, Salik Academy, Malaysia
Hafiz DilPazir, Jam e Masjid Qibla Hadhrat sahib, Erdington, Birmingham, UK
Hafiz Muhammad Yaqub, Gulzar e Habeeb Masjid, West Bromwich, West Midlands, UK
Shaykh Ragih Muflihi, Yemeni Community Centre, West Bromwich, West Midlands, UK
Hafiz Muhammad Shafiq, Tividale & Tipton Community Centre, Tividale, West Midlands, UK
Shaykh Muslah Uddin, Kanz ul Iman Central Jamia Masjid, Tipton, West Midlands, UK
Shaykh Muhammad Munawwar, Jamia Mosque Anwar ul Uloom Trust, Smethwick, West Midlands, UK
Maulana Muhammad Masoom, Masjid e Umar, Darlaston, West Midlands, UK
Hafiz Shaukat Fazil, Birmingham Qur’an Academy, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, UK
Shaykh Sulaiman Ahmed, Avicenna Academy, UK
Imam A. Chakir, Al Houda Mosque, Rotterdam NL
Shaykh Shaker al-Sayed, Imam of Dar al-Hijrah mosque, Virginia, USA
Imam Qari Muhammad Asim, Makkah Mosque, Leeds, UK
Dr. Saeed AlQadi, Al-Muntada Trust, UK
Dr. Abdul Majid Hussain Mohamed, Academic, Malaysia
Imam Muhim Khan, Nusrat ul Islam Masjid, Oldham, UK
Dr. Anas Altikriti, CEO & Founder of The Cordoba Foundation, UK
Shaykh Usman Ali, Senior Biomedical Scientist and Lecturer, UK
Imam Abul Barakat Mishkat Hasan, Centre for Islamic Guidance, UK
Shaykh Shafiur Rahman, Director, Jibreel Institute, London UK
Imam Huzaifa Kolia, Imam of Masjid Abu Bakr, Walthamstow, London, UK
Shaykh Salmaan Parkar, Head of Thornlie Arabic Dept, Australian Islamic College
Shaykh Burhaan Mehtar, Iqra’Academy, Western Australia
Imam Safdar Parkar, Imam/Teacher, Thornlie Masjid, Australian Islamic College
Shaykh Ahmed Parkar, Arabic Teacher, Langford Islamic College, Australia
Shaykha Özlem Nas, Chairwoman of the Islamic Scientific and Educational Institute, Vice-Chair of the Alliance of Islamic Communities in Northern Germany
Imam Mohammed Yusuf, Hull Jame Masjid, UK
Iqbal Sacranie, Former Founding Secretary General, The Muslim Council of Britain
Dr. Zahid Bukhari, Executive Director, ICNA Council for Social Justice, Washington, DC, USA
Dr. Amjad Qourshah, Associate Prof, Jordan University
Shaykh Muhammad Imran Khan, PhD candidate, University of Cambridge, UK
Imam Saad Shah, Masjid al Khulafa ar-Rashidin, Derby, UK
Shaykh Shams Adduha Muhammad, Co-founder and Director, Ebrahim College, UK
Shaykh Wasim Kempson, New Muslim Support, UK
Dr. Asim Yusuf, Nur al Habib Foundation, UK
Imam Shahbaz Ahmad, Scotland, UK
Shaykh Sultan Niaz ul Hasan, Co-Founder, Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust educational network UK and Europe
Shaykh Fiaz ul Hasan, Co-Founder, Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust educational network, UK and Europe
Shaykh Zahid Sultani, GS Trust and global spiritual network, Birmingham, UK
Shaykh Syaed Zafarullah Shah, Care and Relief Trust, Birmingham, UK
Shaykh Munawwar Ateeq, Fatima and Rabia Hands of Mercy, Birmingham, UK
Allamah Masood Alam, Islamic Help, Nottingham, UK
Imam Abdul Mumin Choudhury, Chaplain in Health Care & Education, London, UK
Ustadha Maryam Amir, Hikmah Institute, California, USA
Imam Mujahid Ali, Hafs Academy, London, UK
Shaykh Ismail Kamdar, Founder, Islamic Self Help, South Africa
Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat, Researcher and Teacher, SeekersGuaidance, UK
Dr Shahrul Hussain, Head of Research, Ibn Rushd Centre of Excellence for Islamic Research, UK
Imam Mohammad Ismail DL, Lead Imam of Central Mosque Birmingham, The University of Sheffield, Federation of Mosques Sheffield, UK
Sheikha Selina Begum Ali, Beacon Institute, London, UK
Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Khan, Walsall, UK
Mawlana Musleh Faradhi, NC Member, MCB, UK
Imam Mohamed Mahmoud, East London Mosque, UK
Imam Ghulaamulllah Yacub, Johannesburg, South Africa
Shaykh Juan Veliz, Pres, Islamic Forum, Sweden
Mawlana Muhsin Barendes, Ansarulllah Mosque, Seawind, Cape Town, South Africa
Mawlana Ismail Tofie, Masjidus Sabr, Parkwood Cape Town, South Africa
Imam Mohamed Zarzour, Director & Imam of Al-Salam Islamic Centre, London, UK
Ustadha Ameena Blake, Muslim Welfare House, MIHE, UK
Dr Haifaa Younis, Jannah Institute,Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Imam Irfan Chishti, Light of Islam Academy, Rochdale, UK
Shaykh Yaqoub Kutkut, Dar Al Isra Mosque, Wales, UK
Mawlana Muhammad Ngova, Johannesburg, South Africa
Imam Mursalin Miah, Director & Imam, Holborn Mosque, London, UK
Imam Achmat Davids, Muslim Police Chaplain, South Africa
Imam Ayyub Vuyo Mokoena, South Africa
Imam Mohammad Farooq Janbaz, UKIM, Birmingham, UK
Qari Mohamed Siddique, UKIM, Birmingham, UK
Imam Abdul Majeed Nadeem, UKIM, Birmingham, UK
Imam Mohamed Tayyab, UKIM, Birmingham, UK
Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, UKIM, Birmingham, UK
Mawlana M.Saeed ur Rahman, UKIM, Blackheath, UK
Mawlana Arif Mateen, UKIM, Boston, UK
Imam Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, UKIM, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Imam Imtiaz Ahmed, UKIM, Leeds, UK
Imam Irfanullah Irfan, UKIM Masjid Khadijah, Peterborough, UK
Imam Muhammad Rashid, UKIM Masjid Khadijah, Peterborough, UK
Mawlana Ali Mahmoud Ahmed Ali, UKIM, Walsall, UK
Imam Khalid Mahmood, UKIM, Walsall, UK
Hafiz Attar Muhammad, UKIM, Wolverhampton, UK
Imam Mohammed Arshad, UKIM, Burnley, UK
Imam Muhamad Iqbal, UKIM European Islamic Centre, UK
Mawlana Zafar Iqbal Awan, UKIM, Manchester, UK
Mawlana Syed Naveed Ahmed, UKIM, Nelson, UK
Imam Abdur Rashid, UKIM, Newbold, UK
Mawlana M. Faridoon, UKIM, Oldham, UK
Mawlana Miftah Uddin, UKIM, Oldham, UK
Qari M.Faiz, UKIM, Oldham, UK
Imam Mohamed Azad, UKIM Hira Mosque, Bradford, UK
Mawlana Ubaidur Rahman, UKIM, Bradford, UK
Imam Abdul Hakim, UKIM, Newbold, UK
Qari Mumtaz Ahmed, UKIM Neeli Mosque, Rochdale, UK
Imam Rahmat Aziz Salik, UKIM, Hull, UK
Mawlana M. Ishaq, UKIM, Glasgow, Scotland
Mawlana Mohammad Jahanzaib Niaz, UKIM, London, UK
Qari Niaz Muhammad, UKIM Masjid Bilal, London, UK
Hafiz Abu Bakr Sajjad, UKIM Masjid Ibrahim, London, UK
Mawlana Hasan Shah, UKIM, London, UK
Mawlana Inayat Khan, UKIM, London, UK
Imam Mohammad Iqbal Awan, UKIM, Luton, UK
Mawlana Shahid Ahmed, UKIM, Luton, UK
Imam Iftikhar ul Haq, UKIM, Southend, UK
Ustadh Junaid Bilal Usman, Darul UKIM, Birmingham, UK
Shaykh Mohammed Al-Hilli, Noor Trust, UK
Sayed Mohammad Jawad Qazwini, Seminary of Qom, Development and Relief Foundation, California, USA
Sayed Mohammad Baqer Qazwini, Islamic Institute of America, USA
Shaykh Bilal Khan, Chief Islamic Finance Officer at Astana International Financial Centre and Co-Chairman of Dome Advisory, UK
Shaykha Shazia Ahmad, Writer, Imanwire, USA
Mawlana Muhammad Javed, Darul Arqam, Preston, UK
Ustadha Aishah Ally, Darul Arqam, Preston, UK
Imam Arek Miernik, Imam at Muslim Unity Society, Poland
Imam Mohammed Farook Kazi, Headteacher and Faith Leader Al-Ansaar Welfare & Education, Preston, UK
Imam Ahmed Desai, Masjid Quba Bradford
Shaykha Umm Ibraaheem, The Fountain, Bradford, UK
Ustadha Rumaysa Seedat, European Institute of Islamic Sciences, Greater Manchester, UK
Shaykh Fahim Hammadur Rahman, European Institute of Islamic Sciences, Greater Manchester, UK
Ustadha Hafsah Sayeed, Leeds, UK,
Ustadha Safiyah Cassim, London, UK
Imam Mersed Krnjic, Bosnian Cultural Centre, Birmingham, UK
Jamal Elshayyal, Journalist and War Correspondent, Aljazeera Network
Dr Mohammed Na’im bin Mokhtar, Sharia Court Judge of Malaysia
Aziz Isa Alkun, Secretary of PEN International Uyghur Centre
Imam Ebu Bekir Tezgel, Deputy Imam and General Coordinator, Aziziye Mosque (UK Turkish Islamic Association)
Imam Labinot Maliqi, Kosovo Centre for Peace
Dr Hafiz Alkarmi, Chairman, Palestinian Forum in Britain
Zahir Birawi, Chairman, EuroPal Forum
Shahid Lone, Kashmiri Writer and Scholar
Dr Abdul Rough Mir, Scientist and Scholar, JNCH, Aligarh Muslim University
Dr Amina Easat-Daas, Islamophobia Project, Leeds University, UK
Dr Daud Abdullah, British Muslim Initiative, UK
Sahra More, Director, Ashaadibi Centre, UK
Basma Elshayyal, Chair, Brent SACRE
Dr Abdullah Faliq, Founding Member, European Network on Religion and Belief, UK
Dr Karim Chemlal, Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe
Kyaw Win, Chair, Justice for Rohingya Minority
Imam Abdulkerim Zeyyir, Uyghur Imam in the UK
Yusuf Cevahir, Chairman, Turken Foundation, UK
Ustadha Umm Jamaal ud-Din, Islamic College of Australia, Sydney
Ustadha Imaan Barday, Leicester, UK.
Ustadha Fatimah Zahra Patel, Daarul Arqam, Preston, UK
Imam Nasir Akhtar, The Abrahamic Foundation, Birmingham, UK
Ustadha Rizwana Bohra, Preston, UK
Imam Ismail Isakji, Muslim Chaplains Association, UK
Shaykh Amjad, Imam, Hoxton Mosque, Headteacher, Safar Academy and Lecturer, Ebrahim College, UK
Imam Mohammed Hafizur Rahman, Founder and Director, Uthmān Academy, UK
Ustadh Rayan Mahmud, IQRA TV, UK
Ustadha Tahreem Haq Khan, Daarul Arqam, Preston, UK
Ustadha Muneebah Hassan, Daarul Arqam, Preston, UK
Ustadha Yusairah, Leicester, UK
Ustadha Umm Muhammad Desai, Preston, UK
Imam Abdul Wahhab, Darul Atfaal UK Trustee and Principal, Beacontree Mosque, UK
Ustadha An-Nisa Khan, Daarul Arqam, Preston, UK
Ustadha Humaira Desai, Daarul Arqam, Preston, UK
Ustadha Saniya Sattar, Preston, UK
Usdtaha Asmaa Gangat, Preston, UK
Ustadha Nilofer Ahmadi, Teacher, Ebrahim College, UK
Ustadha Binte Yusuf, Preston, UK
Ustadha Farhana Sadak, Preston, UK
Ustadha Umme Yusuf, Preston, UK
Ustadha Rokeya Begum, Preston, UK
Ustadh Naif Sheikh, Discover islam ,UK
Imam Bilal Toorawa, Mashud e Anwar, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Aaishah Ismail, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Farhaana Patel, Blackburn, UK
Imam Abdullah Patel, Masjid Umar, Huddersfield, UK
Ustadha Umm Uwais, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Yusaira Chotia, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Binte Jamshaid, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Sameera Patel, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Sana Patel, Blackburn, UK
Sayed Dr Moustafa Al-Qazwini, President, Shia Muslim Council of Southern California, Founding Imam, Islamic Educational Center of Orange County , California USA
Shaykha Safia Shahid, Women’s Muslim College, UK
Ustadha Sidra Shaheen, Women’s Muslim College, UK
Ustadha Zuhra Iqbal, Women’s Muslim College, UK
Ustadha Alimah Ashfaq, UK
Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh, Associate Professor, Dundee, Scotland
Mufti Fahri Baltan Azizya Mosque, London, UK
Abdurrahime Boynakalin, Turkish community in the UK
Mustafa Senior, Chairman, MUSIAD UK
Ismail Patel, Chair, Friends of Al Aqsa
Shaykh Ramadan Yaqoob, Grand Mufti of Lithuania
Imam Mohamed Abdul Malek, Acting Imam, Muslim Youth Foundation, Manchester, UK
Ahmed Idris, African Muslim Association, UK
Muhammad But, Chairman, Kentish Town Community Organisation, UK
Siddig Osman, Sudanese Association
Dr Osman Farrah, Executive Director, Al-Irshaad Foundation
Fausz Muhammad’s, President, British Muslim Society
Jawzy Lebbe, Sri Lankans Muslim Community, UK
Gulden Sonmez, Human Rights Advocate
Imam Naveed Sardar, Scunthorpe Central Mosque, UK
Mufti Mohammad Ali Falahi, Masjid e Anisul Islam, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Sabiha Patel, Bolton, UK
Ustadha Shabana Patel, Bolton, UK
Ustadha Sumayyah Patel, Bolton, UK
Ustadha Bilqees Patel, Bolton, UK
Ustadha Hafsah Rawat, London, UK
Ustadha Raziya Husain, Birmingham, UK
Ustadha Arifa Patel, Madressa Raudhatul Uloom, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Taiba Khan, Madrasa Darul-Hamd, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Nabila Zaman, Madrasa Zaytūn Institute, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Umm Sheema, Madrasa Khazra, Blackburn, UK
Usdtadha Rizwana Patel, Madrasa Talimul Islam, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Anisa Sadiq, Madrasa Sadiqat, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Cerysh Sadiq, Madrasa Sadiqat, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Lareb Sadiq, Madrasa Sadiqat, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Afifa Sadiq, Madrasa Sadiqat, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Iqrah Sadiq, Madrasa Sadiqat, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Shaheen Patel, Masjid Aisha, Blackburn, UK
Ustadh Zakariya Mohammed, Madrasa Rawdhatul Uloom, Blackburn, UK
Imam Mohammed Lockhat, The Peace Centre, UK
Mawlana Mohammed Sidat, Academica Mentoring, Leicester, UK
Ustadha Zainab Hussain, Scotland
Imam Ashfaq Rafiq Patel, Imam of Central Mosque, Blackpool, UK
Adnan al Sabari, Chairman, Iraqi Cultural Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Shaykh Mazin Alsahlani Almakarim, Islamic Foundation Erie, PA USA
Ali Hundrra, Helsinki, Finland
Nahla Hewidy, Chairperson of Numu Young Muslims, Helsinki, Finland
Noor Assad, Activist Green Party, Helsinki, Finland
Muttaqi Khan, Young Muslims, Helsinki, Finland
Mina Bahmanpour, Chair of Young Shia Muslims, Helsinki, Finland
Serdar Işık, Shi’a public spokesperson, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sayed Mohammad Salem Moallemzadeh, Islamologist and religious leader of Cultural Foundation Sadeqia, The Hague, Netherlands
Waiel Alkhateeb, Chairman Ahlalbait Youth Organisation, Netherlands
Shaykha Radia Rasheed Ben Fayed, New Zealand
Shaykh Haamid Nori Ben Fayed, New Zealand
Ustadh Ahmed Ben Fayed, New Zealand
Allama Umar Hayat Qadri
Head Imam Masjid Ghausia, Huddersfield, UK
Shamira Chothia Ahmed, the Rahman Foundation, USA
Shaykha Saira Lari, California, USA
Umm Yasin, MH4M, California, USA
Dr. Osman Latiff, Jamia Masjid and Islamic Centre, Slough, UK
Imam Abdul Basir, Director SSIC, London, UK
Mehded Maryam Sinclair, Amman, Jordan
Ustadha Zulekha Ibrahim, Madrasa Raudatul Uloom, Leicester, UK
Ustadha Sameera Zulfiqar, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Sheena Bashir, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Humaira Abdul Razzaq, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Furhanah Ahmed, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Aneesah Ghazanfar, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Sabah Noreen, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Binte Hussain, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Kinza Noreen, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Binte Faisal, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Binte Ishaaq, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Marria Ali, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Iqra Ali, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Isma Ali, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Aiesha Asif, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Iqra Ahmed, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Misbah Safir, Blackburn, UK
Ustadha Sharmeen Fawad, Blackburn, UK
Imam Burhaan Mehtar, Jamiatul Ulemah, Australia
Imam Ilyas Salim, MD Salim Enterprise & Bright Future, Leeds, UK
Shaykh Ahmad Hanslot, Senior lecturer in exegesis and traditional science Darul Uloom, Port Elizabeth, South Africa