The Muslim community in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights was scrutinized and misconstrued in a viral YouTube video produced by radical filmmaker and political commentator Dennis Michael Lynch.
In the video, Lynch roams the streets of Dearborn and Dearborn Heights with a longtime local resident named “Brian,” who depicts the two cities as a closed bubble that’s being taken over by Muslim residents who refuse to conform to westernized culture.
“Most people don’t even know this, but when you go into places like Dearborn, Michigan, you feel like you’re not even in America anymore,” Lynch said in the video.
The video features dozens of local Arab American owned businesses, with Brian commentating that Arab establishments are slowly replacing American businesses–many of them popping up with signs in the “Arabic language.”
“They force them out,” said Lynch. “But they put similar businesses with an Arabic tone.”
Brian claimed that the local Arab and Muslim population voted heavily for President Obama in order to benefit from unmonitored government assistance programs.
Brian goes on to slam local Muslim residents, claiming that men in the community marry up to four wives and live off of EBT cards–but they still drive expensive vehicles and live in expensive homes.
“They file for the bridge cards, the EBT cards,” Brian said. “Then they bring the other three [wives] as extended family members.”
He went on to add that Muslim women wear designer clothes and carry “Prada purses,” but go grocery shopping with their EBT cards.
Brian said that local public schools had to meet the demands of the Muslim population by implementing a halal menu option. He said that it’s costing the school system a fortune.
Throughout the video, the two men attempt to communicate with Muslim women who are walking in neighborhood streets with their children, or simply lounging and enjoying the sunny day outdoors.
Lynch said that throughout their drive through the two cities, he didn’t see a single American flag. Brian agreed.
“The population has probably doubled in this area in the last five or six years,” Brian said about a Dearborn Heights neighborhood. “We see more radicalization. Arabs are moving in. They are not mixing in. They are not learning the language.”
The video isn’t new territory for Lynch, who has often made Islamopohic centered media appearances. Lynch frequently appeared on FOX News programs, where he pushed his anti-immigration stance.
The video has already garnered more than 115,000 views on Youtube. Most locals were outraged over the misleading depiction of the community, noting that the video failed to capture the strip clubs, bars and American restaurants highly visible throughout the two cities.