Video Shows Mosque which Hosted Wellesley Public School Students also Sponsored Hate Speakers

Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) today released additional disturbing videos demonstrating the radical nature of the Muslim American Society (MAS), which runs the controversial Saudi-funded Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. The ISBCC is the mosque that hosted the Wellesley Middle School field trip, during which students were taught false information about religious warfare and the treatment of women in Islamic history. During the trip some of the school boys joined in the Muslim prayer ritual.

According to APT research, there is reason to be concerned about the radical teachings being presented to Muslim youth at the ISBCC. The Muslim American Society gives classes at the Islamic center through its educational subsidiary – the Islamic American University. The IAU is chaired by the controversial clerics Yusuf Qaradawi and Jamal Badawi, former and current trustees of the Roxbury mosque, respectively.

Qaradawi preaches to Muslims that Jews should be exterminated, homosexuals should be executed, and Muslim men may beat their wives.

Badawi tells his students that they must work to establish Islamic theocracies wherever they live and that all those who don’t judge in accordance with Islamic law are wicked.

Since the mosque was opened, it has hosted several radical speakers. In 2009, the MAS brought the hate preacher Yasir Qadhi to give the Friday prayer at the ISBCC, and advertized his four-day seminar, titled “Fundamentals of Faith.” According to Qadhi’s seminar, faithful Muslims must never consider themselves loyal citizens of a democracy.

In his lectures to Muslim youth, Qadhi has also denied the Holocaust (for which he has recently apologized), and has claimed that Jews and Christians are polytheists and theologically filthy (for which no apology has been forthcoming).

Qadhi’s teachings have been linked to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the 2009 Christmas Day bomber, who had taken three seminars from Qadhi’s organization before his failed attack.

Some of the MAS-sponsored speakers have actively incited against the U.S. government, urging Muslims to support indicted and convicted terrorists. Last winter, the MAS hosted a lecture by radical Washington DC-area Imam Mauri Saalakhan, who was in town to tell local Muslims that they must fight for the freedom of local terror suspects Aafia Siddiqui and Tarek Mehanna. MIT graduate Siddiqui was convicted of trying to murder two FBI agents in Afghanistan, and Mehanna, a Sudbury, MA resident who’s now in prison, is accused by the FBI of plotting to murder Massachusetts shoppers at a local shopping mall.

A week after Saalakhan’s talk, one of the mosque’s imams, Abdullah Faaruuq, (who also serves as the Muslim Chaplain at Northeastern University) was captured on tape also telling worshippers that they should support terror suspects Mehanna and Siddiqui, and that they must not “be afraid to grab on to the gun and the sword and . . . go out there and do your job.”

The speakers sponsored by the Boston MAS teach Muslim youth hateful lessons against America, Jews, Christians, and women. How can the MAS mosque be suitable for hosting and giving lessons to public school students? It is surprising– if not alarming --that our political and civic leaders have ignored the disparity between the moderate public pronouncements of the MAS leadership and the MAS leaders’ extremist preaching to Muslims.

Given the growing concern about school visits to this radical controlled mosque, Americans for Peace and Tolerance has filed Freedom of Information Act requests with 40 public school districts around Massachusetts, some of which we have reason to believe may have taken trips to the Roxbury mosque.

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