Eighty-four state schools in England have no white British pupils, it has been revealed.
The Department for Education confirmed that the figure has more than doubled in five years.
The statistics, taken from the annual school census, have been blamed on the previous Labour government’s “open-door” immigration policy.
Immigration experts warn that in certain areas large influxes of immigrants are driving out white Britons and creating potentially dangerous racial tensions.
Figures obtained from a Freedom of Information request showed that 67 of the immigrant-only schools are primaries, eight are secondaries, while the others are units for pupils with special educational needs.
Birmingham had 22 schools with no white British pupils – more than any other area of the country. Oldham came second, with eight, while Leicester had seven and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets had six.
Five years ago the Department for Education reported just 31 schools with no white British pupils on their registers, including the children of white migrants.
But now Bradford, Blackburn, Rochdale, Surrey, Walsall, Worcester and five London boroughs, have at least two schools with no white British pupils. The figures are thought to include 11 state Muslim schools, three state Sikh schools and one state Hindu school.
MigrationWatch UK chairman Sir Andrew Green said: “The result of three million immigrants in 10 years has created a huge problem for integration of the newcomers.
“Obviously, if there are no children of the host community in a school, the prospects of integration are close to zero.”
The findings come after a study from think tank Demos that appears to confirm the problem of white Britons moving out of areas where heavy immigration has left them a minority.
Demos’ study also revealed how close to half of ethnic minorities in England and Wales – equivalent to four million people – live in areas where white Britons are in the minority.