Think Islamic Women Have The Right to be Seen and Heard? You’re Racist!

Left-wing lock-steppers believe it’s racist to demand Islamic women not be covered from head-to-toe in burqas. Banning the subjective Islamic garb that covers women completely, so they’re never seen nor heard, is abject discrimination. If you think Islamic women have the right to be uncovered, and want the burqa banned, you’re an Islamophobe.

The left-wing rag Green Left defends the Islamic shrouding of women as beautifully liberating. Their latest column titled “The Burqa: Reject the Fake ‘Feminism’ of the Right,” calls those saying no to the burqa a bunch of “right-wing” “fake feminists.”

Pro-burqa protests began when Australian artist Sergio Redegalli painted a giant mural in Sidney with the words “Say no to burqas.” Redegalli’s mural sparked outrage, activists deemed him racist for suggesting Islamic women should never be covered, rather free of clothing shrouding women, preventing them from being liberated human beings.

According to Kiraz Janicke, a left-wing activist for Sidney Socialist Alliance, Redegalli’s artwork “has no other value than to promote racism.” To counter Redegalli’s liberation of Islamic women from oppression artwork, Janicke painted a Live Red Art pro-burqa mural titled “Burqa Revolution.” Janicke argues that removing burqas and uncovering Islamic women hinders their liberation.

This is how leftist feminists champion women’s rights—deny them liberation. Beating, stoning, and murdering Muslim women who attempt to remove their burqas is more an emancipation hindrance.

According to Green Left,

“Burqa revolution” is a contribution to the current debate about the burqa and the disturbing rise of anti-Muslim extremism…in Europe…around the world…[and] …Australia…In the New South Wales Legislative Council, arch-fundamentalist Christian MLC Fred Nile has introduced a private member’s bill seeking to ban the wearing of the burqa. This anti-Muslim extremism is a product of a sustained ideological campaign of Islamophobia by the media and mainstream politicians —not only to bolster support for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but…to scapegoat a sector of the population for the growing social problems stemming from the crisis of capitalism itself…A recurring theme of this ideological campaign to convince us that Muslims are ‘alien’ to the ‘Western way of life’ is that Islam oppresses women. Thus we have ‘feminist’ arguments being used to justify the bloody war in Afghanistan, which has killed thousands of innocent women and children, as a mission to ‘liberate’ women, and hypocritical rhetoric about ‘defending women’s rights’ from politicians who at the same time are attacking women’s rights and services here in Australia.

1,400 years of Islamic murderous brutality is proof Islam is oppressive and deadly, not the War on Terror, which resulted from Islamic violence against the West.
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