The mainstream media resoundingly lost the debate about the Ground Zero Mosque in real life, and the thing still has not been built -- so they’ve taken to fiction to rig the results so that this time they win. This clip from HBO’s The Newsroom features “Phyllis Greer,” an opponent of the Ground Zero Mosque who is so closely patterned after Pamela Geller (without the charisma) that her opening words in this clip are exact quotes from Geller -- about how it is an Islamic pattern to build triumphal mosques “on the cherished sites of conquered lands.”
Jeff Daniels, playing a reporter, shreds “Phyllis Greer” in this clip in a way that no reporter ever bested Geller, mainly by pointing up instances of “Christian terrorism” -- ignoring, of course, that no sect of Christianity teaches that believers should make war against unbelievers, while every sect (and school of jurisprudence) of Islam does teach this. And there is nothing here, of course, about how the thing really was a mosque, not just a “Community Center,” since it would contain a “worship space” for Muslims only, and that it was at Ground Zero, since it was to be built on the site of a building that was severely damaged in the 9/11 attacks.
He also dismisses her point about the Cordoba mosque by saying that the Muslims conquered Spain in the eighth century -- he clearly has no idea that the Islamic law by which they conquered Spain has not changed since then.
To top it all off, Daniels -- not “Phyllis Greer” -- also gets a death threat. In real life, of course, Pamela Geller and I were inundated with death threats (although of course the only one the mainstream media ever reported on was one that Daisy Khan claimed to have received).
This is, in short, a clumsy propaganda piece, designed to brainwash the 70% of Americans who opposed the Ground Zero Mosque into supporting it.
(Video thanks to Clark Kent.)