The Simon Wiesenthal Center has issued a travel advisory for Jews going to Malmø. Via, translated from Swedish Avpixlat:
Five people whose ancestry and religious affiliation are not reported in the media tried imposing themselves on Thursday in the Jewish community center’s premises at Kamrergatan in multicultural Malmö, where they shouted anti-Semitic slogans. …
After previous unwelcome visits at the premises, the building is equipped with a security gate. This stopped the five men from getting farther into the premises. Instead, they shouted insults about Jews. They also photographed and filmed. Spokesman Fred Kahn is concerned and takes the incident seriously. Earlier this year, there have been stones thrown at the synagogue and windows have been smashed. Malmo’s Jews has been subjected to an increasing number of anti-Semitic crimes and attacks, almost all performed by people with Muslim Middle Eastern immigrant background.