A review of federal spending by the Clarion Project found that the U.S. government has engaged in financial transactions with group with extremist backgrounds and Muslim Brotherhood links in the years since 9/11.
The U.S. government website, USASpending.gov, shows that the Defense Department had eight transactions with the Kansas chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS) from 2006 to 2009 totaling $24,600. The listed contracting agency is the Department of the Army and the contracting office is Fort Leavenworth.
Two years before the first recorded transaction, a Chicago Tribune investigation clearly identified MAS as a Muslim Brotherhood front. In 2008, federal prosecutors stated in a court filing in a terrorism trial that MAS “was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” In 2012, an admitted member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leadership and convicted terrorist named Abdurrahman Alamaoudi testified that “Everyone knows that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood.”
The government website also shows that post-9/11 funding for law enforcement training and educational services was awarded to the Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), three groups that the Justice Department later labeled unindicted co-conspirators in a Hamas-financing trial. The Justice Department also listed them as U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities.
The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center is listed as awarding CAIR two transactions for a total of $868 for guest instructors in 2006 and 2007.
ISNA is listed as winning a $35,000 purchase order in September 2002 from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. The type of contract is listed as “Educational Services.” The website is not more specific other than to say it is “Other Computer Related Services.”
In February, the Clarion Project reported how the U.S. military is again using chaplains endorsed by ISNA after a 15-year break. We previously exposed how the U.S. Air Force paid ISNA nearly $5,000 for two advertisements in its magazine to recruit chaplains.
Three transactions to NAIT are listed on the website from 2011 to 2013 totaling $1,927. The payments were part of the “Commodity Credit Corporation Fund” of the Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency. NAIT has reportedly gotten $10,000 in farm subsidies since 1998.
Another recipient was the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a derivative of the radical Jamaat-e-Islami group that is now banned in Bangladesh. One of ICNA’s senior officials has also been sentenced to death in absentia in Bangladesh for his alleged involvement in war crimes.
The Muslim Brotherhood listed ICNA as one of “our organizations and the organizations of our friends” in a 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memo. The memo states the Brotherhood apparatus’s “work in America is a kind a grand jihad…in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within…"
ICNA holds radical conferences and its official teaching guide contains extremist teaching about secret operations, violent jihad, resurrecting the caliphate and implementing sharia governance around the world.
ICNA’s charitable branch, ICNA Relief, won a $6,750 community services block grant in September 2003. It was provided by the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Counter-terrorism experts have warned about ICNA Relief’s donations to the Al-Khidmat Foundation that delivered $100,000 to Hamas in 2006 on behalf of Jamaat-e-Islami, ICNA’s parent group.
USASpending.gov also shows 30 transactions from the Department of Justice to Imam Sohail Chaudhry of the Islamic Center of Morgantown, a mosque that is officially affiliated with ISNA and NAIT. Muslim female activist Asra Nomani has accused the mosque of fomenting extremism.
The transactions date from January 2009 to March 2014 and total $40,050. The contracts state that he provides chaplaincy services at the Federal Correctional Institute of Morgantown, West Virginia.
The Clarion Project has extensively documented how Islamists have obtained access to the prison system. Former New York Deputy Inspector General Patrick Dunleavy explained how this has happened in our interview with him.
“The reason this continues is that, contrary to the Department of Justice Inspector-General’s recommendation for a certifying body for the hiring of Islamic clergy, there remains a vacuum in the certification process,” Dunleavy said.
He also opined that the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 “allow for literature for various forms of religion practiced in correctional settings, including Wahhabism.”
The governmental database does not include the U.S. Air Force’s payments to ISNA or the entirety of the $10,000 worth of farm subsidies to NAIT, leading one to assume that there are other transactions we don’t know about.
The point here isn’t just that taxpayer money is going where it shouldn’t. This is another example of the U.S. government’s broken vetting system that allows the Islamists to have undue access and influence.