Muslim prisoners are to be given compasses so they can face towards the holy city of Mecca when praying in their cells under plans announced by a police force.
Norfolk Police Authority put forward the plan in its Custody Visitors Committee report, following a trial at Bethel Street Police Station in Norwich where compass points correctly aligned were painted on the ceilings of cells.
The report states: “The painted compasses on the ceilings at Bethel Street will be replicated across the rest of the county.
“However further guidance has been received and in future small compasses will be issued to those detainees who request them.”
The custody suite at the force’s King’s Lynn Station is the next in line to be redecorated.
Insp Colin Williamson said: “We have responsibilities to ensure that everyone detained has their specific needs met whether they are unable to read, visually impaired or a vulnerable young person.
“Whereever possible custody staff facilitate any reasonable request in respect of religious considerations.’
Risk assessments are to be carried out before each compass is issued.
Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is a focal point for all Muslims and the centre of Islamic pilgrimage, the Hajj, visited by more than 2 million followers every year.