Pegida leader Edwin Wagensveld was arrested on Sunday afternoon during a demonstration by the anti-Islam movement in Utrecht. According to the police, he was arrested for demonstrating where he was not allowed to, ANP reports.
“He was on the Janskerkhof making a statement towards various media. This was not allowed, so we took him away”, a police spokesperson said to the news wire. Wagensveld was taken to a police station for questioning.
The anti-Islam group was given permission to demonstrate on Moreelsepark until 3:00 p.m. But after Wagensveld was arrested early in the afternoon, Pegida called on its members not to come. Eventually only a “handful” of protesters were in the park. “It was super quiet”, the police spokesperson said.
A counter demonstration was held by a group called Utrecht Bekent Kleur on Janskerkhof, where Wagensveld was arrested. About 150 people showed up for this demonstration, according to ANP. Here too there were no incidents.