A song released by the Pegida anti-immigrant movement is racing up the charts in Germany despite being widely ridiculed.
The track, entitled Gemeinsam sind wir stark! or Together We Are Strong! is being marketed as an anthem for Pegida, and sold to raise funds for the anti-Muslim movement.
Released just before Christmas, it has quickly risen to number 10 in the music charts on Amazon’s German website.
But the song has been greeted with mockery and abuse for the fact it has no words, and instead features a chorus humming along to the tune.
“Wow, stunning, monumental. Especially the text: ‘Lala Lalalala Lala’, genuine poetry,” one reviewer calling himself Franky wrote on Amazon.
“Super, in time for Christmas, here are all Pegida’s arguments in musical form, collected in a single, glorious anthem that should silence the fiercest critics: ‘Mmmmm mmmmmmmhhh, mmmmmm mmmmmhhhhh!’” wrote Dorian Grey.
“Unfortunately, the product does not work,” Party-Idiot Patriot wrote. “I have repeatedly listened to the song with friends, but we are neither stronger nor more German.”
Pegida, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West, has been attempting to make a comeback on the back of public opposition to Angela Merkel’s “open-door” refugee policy.
But the movement has been accused of becoming increasingly far-right after a speaker at one of its rallies said it was “unfortunate” Muslim refugees could not be put in concentration camps.
The song’s release comes amid reports Germany is planning to spend €17bn (£12.5bn) on asylum-seekers next year — considerably more than previously thought.
The new figure, published by Welt newspaper, is based on budget projections by 15 of Germany’s 16 federal states.
The high spending forecasts come despite a dramatic fall in the number of asylum-seekers arriving in December, but it is feared actual spending may be even higher.
The budget projections were based on official government estimates that Germany would host 800,000 asylum-seekers in 2015, instead of the more than 1m who arrived.
Mrs Merkel’s Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), has called for refugees to be made to pledge to integrate in German society before they are allowed to stay in the country.
“We must demand a willingness to integrate,” a party policy paper reads. The proposal calls for refugees to “pledge allegiance to our values, our legal system and the rules of peaceul coexistence” and to agree to attend German language and integration courses.
Meanwhile a town in western Germany has imposed a ban on New Year fireworks outside a local refugee shelter.
Local authorities in the town of Arnsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia ordered the ban for fear the sound may trigger post-traumatic stress in asylum-seekers who fled war in Syria and elsewhere.
“Those who come from a war zone associate explosions with gunfire and bombs rather than fireworks. This could cause new trauma to those affected,” Christoph Söbbeler, a spokesman for the local council, told Westdeutsche Rundfunk radio.
Germans traditionally mark the New Year with an extraordinary barrage of fireworks that sees people setting them off in the streets and from apartment balconies, and can bring cities to a standstill.