The Dutch Muslim Party (NMP) will take part in local elections in Amsterdam, Almere, The Hague, Rotterdam and Noordoostpolder, its president Henny Kreeft announced today.
Kreeft said he is still deliberating with local NMP chapters in five other municipalities. He didn’t specify which municipalities. The NMP will present a political programme after the Muslim fasting period of Ramadan concludes at the end of September.
The NMP was founded in 2007. It is composed of both native Dutch and ‘allochtone’ (immigrant) men and women. It says it aims to present a more positive image of Islam.
Kreeft converted to Islam in the nineties. He has been politically active in the left-wing liberal party D66, the party of the assassinated populist leader Pim Fortuyn, and a local party in Noordoostpolder.