Islamist Money in Politics

Recipient Name: Democracy for America

Donations History

Date Name Affiliation Amount Recipient's Party Office Sought State Confidence
2010-10-07 Aly Abuzaakouk UASR, IIIT, AMC $25 Democratic N/A High
2016-04-14 Aisha Al Adawiya CAIR $50 Democratic N/A High
2016-05-07 Sofia Ali-Khan CAIR $18 Democratic N/A High
2015-03-03 Mostafa Amr CAIR $100 Democratic N/A High
2012-07-23 Aamna Anwer MSA $5 Democratic N/A High
2016-02-22 Rafik Beekun ISNA $5 Democratic N/A High
2016-04-30 Rafik Beekun ISNA $3 Democratic N/A High
2016-03-23 Ameena Jandali ISNA $10 Democratic N/A High
2016-04-08 Ameena Jandali ISNA $10 Democratic N/A High
2014-10-02 Sherrel Johnson CAIR $45 Democratic N/A High
2018-05-26 Faroque Khan ISNA $25 Democratic N/A High
2018-06-30 Faroque Khan ISNA $25 Democratic N/A High
2015-08-19 Khalid Khan MPAC $10 Democratic N/A High
2016-10-29 Nadeem Mazen CAIR $33 Democratic N/A High
2016-01-19 Mohammad Momani CAIR $50 Democratic N/A High
2018-03-22 Mohammad Momani CAIR $25 Democratic N/A High
2016-12-27 Mohammed Nasrullah CAIR $100 Democratic N/A High
2016-12-13 Athar Siddiqee CAIR $50 Democratic N/A High
2018-11-21 Mohammad Momani CAIR $5 Democratic N/A High
2018-11-05 Faroque Khan ISNA $5 Democratic U.S. House N/A High

Total amount of donations listed above: $599

Database Search

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Office Sought:


Special Report: Top-Ten Recipients of Islamist Money in 2015-2016