Islamist Money in Politics

Donor Name: Hisham Abdallah

Affiliation: Current Board Member, Muslim American Society (MAS)

Donations History

Date Recipient Name Amount Recipient's Party Office Sought State Confidence
2012-11-08 Patrick Murphy $25 Democratic U.S. House FL High
2014-06-26 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2014-10-26 Andre Carson $750 Democratic U.S. House IN High
2014-10-29 Keith Ellison $100 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2015-03-13 Keith Ellison $100 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2015-04-29 Keith Ellison $100 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2015-04-29 Keith Ellison $100 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-05-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-06-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-07-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-08-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-09-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-10-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-11-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-12-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-01-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-02-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-03-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-04-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-05-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-06-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-07-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-08-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-09-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-10-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-11-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2017-12-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-01-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-02-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-03-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-04-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-05-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-06-06 Keith Ellison $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-06-21 Real Justice PAC $27 Democratic N/A High
2018-07-21 Real Justice PAC $27 Democratic N/A High
2018-08-21 Real Justice PAC $27 Democratic N/A High
2018-09-21 Real Justice PAC $27 Democratic N/A High
2018-10-08 Ilhan Omar $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-10-09 It Starts Today PAC $23 Democratic N/A High
2018-10-10 Heidi Heitkamp $8 Democratic U.S. Senate ND High
2018-01-10 End Citizens United PAC $8 Democratic N/A High
2018-10-21 Real Justice PAC $27 Democratic N/A High
2018-10-27 Rebecca "Mikie" Sherril $25 Democratic U.S. House NJ High
2018-11-08 Ilhan Omar $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-11-21 Real Justice PAC $27 Democratic N/A High
2018-12-08 Ilhan Omar $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2018-12-21 Real Justice PAC $27 Democratic N/A High
2018-05-17 Abdul El-Sayed $100 Democratic Governor MI High
2019-01-08 Ilhan Omar $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2019-02-10 Ilhan Omar $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2019-03-10 Ilhan Omar $50 Democratic U.S. House MN High

Total amount of donations listed above: $3,178

Database Search

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Special Report: Top-Ten Recipients of Islamist Money in 2015-2016