Islamist Money in Politics

Donor Name: Iftekhar Hussain

Affiliation: Current Chair, Pennsylvania; Vice President, Philadelphia, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Donations History

Date Recipient Name Amount Recipient's Party Office Sought State Confidence
2002-04-18 Cynthia McKinney $1000 Democratic U.S. House GA High
2002-04-18 Cynthia McKinney $2000 Democratic U.S. House GA High
2006-10-28 Joseph Sestak Jr. $500 Democratic U.S. House PA High
2011-11-07 Keith Ellison $375 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2012-03-25 Robert Casey Jr. $500 Democratic U.S. Senate PA High
2015-04-24 Keith Ellison $500 Democratic U.S. House MN High
2016-03-22 Bernie Sanders $15 Democratic President N/A High

Total amount of donations listed above: $4,890

Database Search

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Special Report: Top-Ten Recipients of Islamist Money in 2015-2016