In the twentieth century, minority groups such as African-Americans struggled and sacrificed to achieve integration with the societies that had excluded them. In the twenty-first century, some Muslims hope to run history in reverse, demanding separation from their Western neighbors. Three news items highlight different stages and aspects of this phenomenon.
First, it has been revealed that a primary school in Sheffield, England, holds weekly Muslim-only assemblies. The arrangement became known due to the head mistress being forced out after she insisted on mixed gatherings instead:
A teacher, who asked not to be named, said: “The head inherited the separate assemblies and she took careful advice on what to do.
“But when she tried to stop them, she was accused of being a racist. She wanted to hold assemblies for all the pupils. That is what happens in most schools but some parents wanted things to stay as they were.”
Responding to the revelation, English Democrats’ chairman Robin Tilbrook said, “If people don’t want to integrate, they shouldn’t be here. It’s not at all right to have what’s really a sort of ghetto situation developing — it’s going to lead to trouble.”
The third story illustrates the “trouble” stemming from one such “ghetto situation.” Specifically, a study has found that “radical Islamists have a stranglehold” on a section of Malmö, Sweden:
“Families who have just moved into the neighborhood and who have never been particularly religious or traditional claim that they led freer lives in their home country than in Rosengaard,” the report said.
Muslim women who did not wear the veil in their home country were, for example, obliged to don it, according to the study.
The authors also singled out “cellar mosques” whose members serve as a kind of “thought police.”