Looking at images of Muslim women

Public awareness campaigns have one thing in common; they use confronting images to make their point. The more shocking the image shown, the more people become compelled to intervene in the issue.

Photos of crying toddlers with ribs protruding, photos of war-ravaged and burned villages, images of terrified Afghani women peering from behind a veil: these are the stock images of campaigns hoping to incite outrage among those with a western voice and platform.

However, there are complex politics that surround this use of dramatic imagery.

Could the images used by international advocacy groups to compel western audiences to act upon the impoverished and marginalised women in Afghanistan actually be making it more difficult for these same women, alienating them from those who advocate for them and discouraging them from integrating with Australian society?

Arguably, the success of these images is based on representing and enhancing the sense of vulnerability, disempowerment and ‘other-ness’ of these women.

A multi-disciplinary team from the University of Melbourne is looking at the use of images; how and why such images drive some global human rights campaigns and how these images enable and constrain the participation of Muslim and immigrant women in public life in Australia.

With a grant from Melbourne Social Equity Institute, Dr Maree Pardy, Dr Juliet Rogers from the Faculty of Arts and Professor Dianne Otto and Dr Farrah Ahmed from Melbourne Law School are bringing knowledge of gender and human rights initiatives and insight into the uses of images to represent causes.

“We want to look at images and analyse their intentions. We also need to deepen our analysis and understanding of the impacts of these images of women in Australia and in other countries,” Dr Pardy says.

“Some extremist groups maintain Muslim women are oppressed everywhere and the veil is a symbol of oppression. Our previous research shows many women do not see it this way,” she says.

One of the images the researchers will look at is a series of posters where the hijab is made to resemble a rubbish bin liner.

The ongoing challenges in international advocacy campaigns that deal with Muslim women include the balance between ‘pointing the finger’ at Muslim culture, while examining the specific factors which affect these women.

This is as important for global campaigns and organisations as it is for those based in multicultural western societies, where campaign material can alienate and insult local Muslim individuals and groups.

These campaigns become divisive as they highlight, and potentially enhance, the foreign ‘terrible-ness’ of circumstances in other places. How these images and campaigns shape and impact on narratives of multiculturalism will be investigated in this research project.

Through a detailed analysis of currently circulating images of Muslims, immigrants and other non-western women, the researchers hope to gain new perspectives on how such views affect their participation in everyday circumstances and in engagement in the political sphere.

Muslim women’s organisations throughout Australia will be invited to consider the effects of campaign images.

A picture tells a thousand words. But sometimes it tells more about those taking and promoting the picture, than those depicted.

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