Jasser: US’ ‘Politically Correct Fratricide’ is Ignoring Radical Ideologies

American Islamic Center for Democracy president Dr. Zuhdi Jasser said America is refusing to take serious steps to prevent Manchester-type terror attacks.

Jasser criticized the federal courts’ repeated rejections of President Trump’s orders relating to stricter vetting procedures.

He said such decisions showed the government’s “lack of willingness to address nonviolent precursors” to terror attacks.

Jasser said America is “falling down the same slope” that Europe is, in that they prefer to embrace multiculturalism and political correctness.

He said that our “politically correct fratricide is ignoring [extremist] ideologies.”

Manchester bomber Salman Abedi traveled to Libya prior to his attack.

Jasser said his trip to a failed state run by Islamic extremists should have been a red flag that Abedi was radicalized.

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