Germany: 46% of kids in major cities are of immigrant origin

This does not translate to mean that all those kids are Muslims. See also: Germany: A closer look at the demographics

Via Destatis (German, h/t NRP):

The new 2010 micro-census, shows that 31% of minors in Germany are of immigrant origin. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) further reports that in cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, almost half (46%) the children are of immigrant origin. In communities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, just under 13% were of immigrant origin.

The German micro-census is the largest annual household survey in Europe.

City population and percentage of immigrant children:
<5,000: 12.6%
5,000-10,000: 20.7%
10,000–20,000: 26.4%
20,000-50,000: 31.9%
50,000–100,000: 36.5%
100,000–200,000: 46.5%
200,000–500,000: 41.4%
> 500,000: 46.2%

The absolute number of immigrant children has declined since 2005, the first time the question was added to the micro-census. In 2005, 4.1 million children were immigrants, out of 14.4 million children in Germany (28%). In in 2010 there were 4 million immigrant children, out of 13.1 million children.

Children are considered of immigrant origin if at least one parent has foreign citizenship, or obtained German citizenship via naturalization.

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