A man thought to be one of the first UK Muslims to have a same-sex marriage said people have threatened to throw acid in his face since the ceremony.
Jahed Choudhury, 24, married Sean Rogan at Walsall Register Office and shared his story on YouTube.
However, he told the Victoria Derbyshire Show he had been threatened online and in the street.
But the couple said they had also received messages of support and would continue to share their story.
Since their ceremony Mr Choudhury said the couple had received death threats online and abuse on the streets.
“The worst [messages] say ‘the next time I see you in the streets, I’m going to throw acid in your face’.
“Even if I walk down the streets, I have people spitting on me and calling me pig - all the nasty stuff. I just keep walking.”
The couple said they had not yet reported the incident to police and were considering whether to do so.
Mr Choudhury said he had also received “amazing” support from his online followers, including people who said the couple had inspired them to come out.
“I’ve been brought up Muslim and the Koran mentions you cannot be gay and Muslim. But this is how I have chosen to live my life. I will never get rid of my faith.”
Mr Choudhury said he had attempted suicide in the past but added his family had been “really supportive” since he came out.
He has now set up a YouTube channel where his story received more than 5,000 views, and says he was motivated to speak out online to encourage support for gay people from religious backgrounds.