French Post Office Stops Delivering to Paris District

For safety reasons, the Post Office is no longer distributing packages in the Saint-Louis de Carrières-sous-Poissy (Paris) district. The inhabitants are forced to go to the main post office. There is indignation in front of the Carrières-sous-Poissy post office. Long queues have been forming each day for two weeks on the pavement at the door to the office in the centre of town. The phenomenon originated with the suspension of packages and registered letters in the Saint-Louis district. The Post Office’s district management explains that “the distribution of mail has been suspended in some districts of the city because of incivilities”. “We have been victims of the theft of scooters and of mail,” she specifies. “We want to protect the workers and the letters.” On several occasions, postmen, having gone up the floors in a building to deliver a package or registered letter, noted, on returning, that their two-wheelers, parked in front of the building, had disappeared. Others have had part of the contents of their sack stolen.

Source: Yahoo Via: Défrancisation
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