France: Two fined for inciting antisemitism in McDonald’s

Via AFP (French):

Two members of the radical Islamic group “Forsane Alizza” were convicted of “inciting racial hatred’ by a court in Limoges for organizing an invasion into a McDonald’s branch in 2010, and haranguing the crowd with antisemitic statements. Nassir Mokhtari (27) and Boumediene Nebah (31) were found guilty of “inciting to national, racial, religious discrimination in speech, writing, picture or electronic means of communication to the public”. They were sentenced to 800 euro and 1500 euro respectively.

On June 12, 2010, the two men organized on the internet an invasion of the McDonald’s restaurant in Limoges, where they distributed leaflets. A dozen people, most of whom masked their faces, harangued the consumers to stop eating in the chain, which they said financed the Israeli army.

A video of this event was later posted on the internet. In addition the leader of Forsane Alizza (‘Knights of Pride’), Mohamed Achamlane from Nantes (nicknamed ‘Brain’ on the internet), will appear in court for a hearing on Sept. 27 for inciting discrimination and racial and religious hatred. He’s accused of hate speech and of inciting to burn the penal code during a demonstration Sept 17, 2010. The hearing was scheduled for June 8th, but was postponed due to several minor incidents. The defendants and their supporters refused to remove their headgear inside the courthouse.

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