This shocking video (in French) testifies to how a civilised country like France can be gradually transformed into a barbarous wasteland like Egypt. It features a group of female employees of the transport company RATP (which, according to its website, is the 5th largest public transport company in the world) speaking about working with Muslim colleagues. To avoid reprisals, their faces are hidden.
The revelations here are:
Muslim drivers are aggressive and impolite towards passengers.
Muslim drivers refuse to shake hands with their female colleagues.
Management refuses to intervene to support staff attacked by Muslim colleagues, in order to maintain “social peace”.
Some Muslim drivers refuse to drive a bus if a woman has driven it before them
Muslims pray in their place of work, even on the bus, during work time.
Muslim racists and fascists treat their white colleagues as inferior beings and are gradually imposing Islam within RATP.
Source: Riposte Laïque