For Muslims, Ramadan in jail can be tough sentence

Loai Laila and Nelson Hernandez wake up at 4:30 a.m. in their Dallas County Jail cells these days.

Because it’s Ramadan, which requires practicing Muslims to fast from sunrise to sunset for an entire month, the two don’t have long to wipe the sleep from their eyes and gobble down a quick breakfast of some eggs, a biscuit and chicken sausage.

Then it’s back to bed. That meal will have to hold them until after sundown, when they’ll get food held from the 4 p.m. dinner given to other inmates.

While federal law requires jails and prisons to accommodate religious observances, Muslim inmates face some difficult challenges during the holy month of Ramadan, which this year ends next week.

At some lockups around Texas, uninformed or uncaring guards will sometimes withhold food, or serve it at improper times. In some cases, they make fun of the inmates and their needs to pray in a certain fashion.

At the Dallas County Jail, Muslim inmates — and any inmate claiming to be Muslim — participate in the jumah prayer on Friday, the equivalent of a Sunday morning for Christians. On a recent Friday at 1:30 p.m., they were escorted to a small room with sterile white walls in the jail’s North Tower, where Mehmet Soyer, director of the Raindrop Foundation, was reciting an almost lyrical call to prayer.

Two other volunteers stood on brown rugs in the middle of the room praying, but seven other inmates stood against the wall with a look of boredom.

Several more prisoners followed later. A couple of them thumbed Qurans, but Laila and Hernandez were the only ones who took off their shoes and prayed. The whispers, snickers and resulting low rumble by the other inmates prompted Soyer to ask for quiet five times.

He wasn’t mad. He’s used to the distractions.

“Sometimes they’re interested in asking questions,” he said. “Sometimes they’re not.”

The ruckus didn’t seem to bother Laila and Hernandez, who were in jail on a sexual assault charge and an immigration hold, respectively.

They were content with their halal meals and the opportunity to observe Ramadan, rights they have thanks to successful court rulings and pressure on law enforcement officials by religious advocates.

“I don’t care about a little noise,” said Laila, 35. “I feel like God is here in this jail with us now, like we’re being guided through this month.”

Hernandez, 39, nodded his assent. “This isn’t the real world. We take what we get.”

Neglect and discrimination

The Dallas County Jail began providing halal meals in 2013. And Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez took plenty of grief from conservative bloggers when they learned she had allowed inmates to get their food before sunrise and after sunset.

But the sheriff’s decision reflected increasing recognition in jails and courts of Muslim prisoners’ religious rights after years of neglect and discrimination.

Last year, the U. S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of a Muslim prisoner in Arkansas who wanted to grow a half-inch beard in accordance to Islamic custom.

The Arkansas corrections department had banned facial hair except for diagnosed skin conditions, saying it made identification difficult and could be used to hide contraband. But in his opinion, Justice Samuel Alito called that rationale “hard to take seriously.”

Charles Swift, the director of Richardson-based Constitutional Law Center for Muslims, often works with jails in Texas and nationwide to when inmates complain of religious repression or discrimination.

He said the decision, based on a 2000 law protecting inmates’ religious practice, had made his job easier.

“When we call sheriff and jails about a complaint, it’s still fairly new to them,” he said. “But usually all it takes is a few minutes on the phone to get things straightened out.”

Swift sued the Gregg County Sheriff’s Department last year when an inmate’s requests to have food served early and late during Ramadan were ignored, but even then he found leadership apologetic and willing to change.

“By the time it got to the sheriff, he was, frankly, embarrassed,” Swift said. “He wanted to make changes to his manual so it wouldn’t happen again.”

Still, he said while most administrators are amenable to change, he usually finds its it’s the guards, who interact with the inmates every day, who can be problematic.

“The guys at the top understand the legal parts of this,” he said. “But at the guard level, it might still be, ‘Screw you, I don’t want to do it,’ especially once you get farther and farther away from the big cities.”

Problems remain

Mustafaa Carroll, who heads the Houston chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, said about 15 percent of the roughly 200 complaints a year he receives come from inmates.

“And every now and then there’ll be a report of abuse,” he said. “But with most of them, it’s the same thing: they’re not being allowed to practice their religion.”

Siddiqqi Al-ameen said he’s seen the discrimination first hand.

When he visited Muslim inmates at the Jefferson County Correctional Facility in Beaumont, where he lives, he said he wasn’t allowed to give them prayer rugs and copies of the Quran he bought on a trip to the Middle East.

He wasn’t allowed to lead services, either. “I’m coming in here as a volunteer chaplain and all I get are roadblocks and obstacles,” Al-ameen said.

Jefferson County jail officials disputed those claims Friday. They said the facility provided prayer rugs upon request and allowed inmates to purchase Qurans at the commissary.

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Maj. Daren Cassidy said there aren’t any Muslim services at the jail, but he directed questions about why there aren’t to the chaplain, who was not available for comment Friday.

Carroll also said some private for-profit prisons could be especially problematic.

When Carroll tried to verify a former warden’s promise to offer halal meals to inmates at one such facility in Texas, he filed a joint Freedom of Information Act request with the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas.

But three years later, the matter still is not resolved. He believes it’s because private correctional institutions can use an exemption in the act that protects “trade secrets and commercial or financial information” from disclosure.

‘Eat, pray, sleep’

Back at the Dallas County Jail, Laila, Hernandez and the other inmates -- all males -- head back to their cells in a single-file line after the 30-minute jumah prayer ends. Female volunteers offer a separate Islamic service for women inmates on Wednesdays.

Laila and Hernandez will do some reading from the Quran and take another nap until it’s time to reunite for iftar, the breaking of the fast around 8:40 p.m.

While their second meal of the day may not be as elaborate as those of Muslims on the outside, some of whom break their fasts with huge multicourse feasts, it’s enough for the two inmates.

“We have plenty,” Laila said. “We not doing anything other than eat, pray, sleep anyway.”

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