In a statement issued in the wake of recent attacks in Barcelona and Turku, Finland, Martin Helme, chairman of the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE) parliamentary group, said that nothing but the reinstatement of border controls at ports and airports and the expulsion of illegal migrants will help against Islamic terrorism.
“The terror attacks of the outgoing week once again signaled to us that Islamic terrorism is moving closer and closer to us,” Helme said via spokespeople. “We also got to learn that Estonian ministers have not yet gotten rid of delusions of multiculturalism.
“The message of Minister of the Interior [Andres] Anvelt, a Socialist, after the acts of terror was: ‘The police will get more money,’” he claimed. “Not a word about the causes of terrorism, not a word about Islam or immigration. One stubbornly refuses to acknowledge that the spread of Islamic terrorism is directly connected with immigration and absence of borders.”
Helme said Europe must get rid of the fear of being accused of discrimination and do everything one has always done in such situations throughout history, asserting that the enemy in your on territory must be expelled.
“It is clear that Islam is waging a war against Europe,” continued the EKRE leader. “To everyone who wishes that Europe work closer together, we must say clearly: let us work closely together in expelling Muslims from Europe. If this is not done, each country itself must guard its borders and not allow immigrants into its territory.”
Helme said that both Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center) and Minister of the Interior Andres Anvelt (SDE) must take concrete steps to restore border control at ports and the airport.
“Let’s not forget that Finland is a €20 ferry ride away from Estonia, and terror is exactly that far from us now,” Helme pointed out. “Estonia must be kept safe and Muslim-free.”
With seven seats, EKRE is the smallest of the parties represented in the 101-seat Riigikogu.