A message from the Texas professor who was fired for offending Muslim students

Last December I posted here about Professor Paul Derengowski, who was dismissed from Tarrant County College in Fort Worth, Texas for annoying Muslim students by quoting from Islamic texts. I have just received this message from him:

For the past year I’ve been living under a dark cloud. A cloud that was created one night (November 8, 2011) during a class I was teaching on Islam at Tarrant County College in Fort Worth, Texas. Two Muslim students who did not like me answering their questions about their beloved Muhammad and the sources I used to do it, namely the Koran and a Muslim scholar, set forth a campaign orchestrated long before that night ever arrived, to smear me as a person and force me out as a professor. For those interested, you can read more about that night here, as well as indulge yourself with all the firsthand documents, some of which produced by TCC which only contribute to the defamation due to their dubious nature.

Today, though, after much hard work and persistence, I’m ready to take this fight to the next level. But, I need your help. Since last December the Thomas More Law Center has been my advocate in all of this. Clearly TCC violated my rights as a professor, but the TMLC could not file the appropriate lawsuit because of a lack of knowing someone locally who could handle the footwork of filing the papers in federal court. Now that has changed.

My request for help is to cover the legal expense. It is an expense to not only safeguard my right to express myself, but an expense that everyone will pay, sooner or later, should they not get involved now, to safeguard their freedom to speak as well.

Therefore, for those interested in helping, I’m including the following PayPal link. No specified amount is designated. I leave that purely up to you. Thank you for your consideration and your generosity.
Prof. Derengowski Legal Fund


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