Boris Johnson urges hospitals to share details about FGM cases with police

Hospitals should share more information on the victims of female genital mutilation with police and social services, Boris Johnson urged today.

This would build up a picture of the true scale of the illegal practice, to help secure prosecutions and identify siblings at risk. Experts believe at least 3,500 women suffering mutilation have been treated in London hospitals in recent years, including hundreds who have had surgery.

Currently, hospitals do not have to pass on vital information to the authorities that could drive prosecutions for-ward. The Mayor is working with public health minister Jane Ellison, hospitals and health workers to draw up an agreement on information sharing. They hope it will operate along similar lines to collection of knife crime data from casualty departments, where privacy and confidentiality are respected.

FGM was outlawed in Britain in 1985 and having the practice carried out abroad was banned in 2003. But no prosecutions have been brought, prompting concern that a lack of reporting and gaps in the law are allowing abuse to continue.

Launching his Violence Against Women and Girls strategy at a rape crisis centre in north London, Mr Johnson said: “Female victims in this city are still too common and we need to do more to tackle the scourge of FGM, domestic violence, prostitution, human trafficking and domestic servitude. It is essential all public services join together to ensure we prevent violence, and get better at delivering swift justice, treatment and recovery services.”

Human rights activist Joan Smith, co-chair of the Violence Against Women and Girls Panel, added: “FGM is a form of child abuse. The Mayor’s strategy makes clear it will not be tolerated.” She has previously admitted that pursuing prosecutions can be problematic as they put a high burden on witnesses — often young girls — and require many to testify against their parents.”

Prosecutors are studying files on five cases. Earlier this month Alison Saunders, Director of Public Prosecutions, said she hoped charges on one of them would be brought “relatively shortly”. Campaigners estimate 66,000 women have suffered FGM with a further 24,000 girls aged 11 or under thought to be at risk.

Mr Johnson will also commit to ongoing funding for the capital’s four rape crisis centres; supporting girls at risk of sexual violence in gangs; working with schools and Ofsted on an anti-violence strategy; improving “patchy and inconsistent” domestic violence provision, and campaigning to raise awareness of human trafficking and slavery.

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