Today’s email brought the following:
To whom it concerns:
You have published a “Letter of Dissent regarding the CAFMENA statement dated May 13, 2005, condemning the AUT boycott of two Israeli Universities by Ahmad Dallal, Kaveh Ehsani, Eve Troutt-Powell”, as is your right. However, you have included the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign among those supporting this “Letter of Dissent” for the simple reason that you appear to have culled the letter from the IPSC website, which - democratically, and unlike your website - frequently publishes material with which we disagree.
Whether you did this inadvertently or maliciously, I hope you will give equal prominence to our assertion that we fully support the boycott of Israeli universities as part of a comprehensive boycott of the state of Israel, and that we completely reject the arguments made in the “Letter of Dissent” in question.
Sincerely -
Raymond Deane
Chair: Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Thank you for the clarification. The IPSC is listed only as the publication venue and it was not our intention to represent you as a supporter. If you can provide another venue I will be pleased to change the listing. In the interim I will modify the entry with the addition of your email so as to clarify your position.
Deane seems typical, in his fixation on the US and Israel (the Great and Little Satan, you might say), and with a monocausal and monotonous view of the world (expiation of post-colonial guilt anyone?), of what might be called deracinated Europeans. Beyond religion, beyond nationalism, beyond pretty much everything, they search for meaning and find it in superficial advocacy of certain causes but to the greatest measure in anti-modern hatreds. Are the hatreds of Israel and the US - avatars of modernism - simply masks which, if removed, would reveal either vast emptiness or boundless self-loathing? Without knowing the man or his music, I cannot say for certain.
Nowhere does Deane give any indication that he has thought deeply about Palestinians as more than superficial beings, scourged by the terrible Jews, nor about the realities of a Palestinian state of any dimensions. How would a Palestinian democracy work? How would the Palestinian economy be run? How would religion be squared with democracy, not to mention questions of clans and tribes and women’s rights and voting and the endless list of what goes into making a modern state and society successful. None of this apparently matters, it will all be sorted out once the heavy burden of Israel is lifted from us all.
I fear Mr. Deane’s life will not be uncomplicated any time soon.