TEHRAN,Oct. 6 (MNA) -- U.S. scholar Paul Sprachman is translating the Iranian novel “Esmaeil” by Amirhossein Fardi into English.
Fardi is currently writing the second volume of the novel on the theme of Iran’s Islamic Revolution.
The novel narrates the story of a young Iranian boy Ismaeil who is deeply impressed by the concept of humanity in Islam during the years of revolution in Iran. This impression motivates him to take part in revolutionary struggle.
Prof. Sprachman is the vice director of the Undergraduate Studies Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Rutgers University and can read and write Persian, Arabic, German, Hindu-Urdu, French, and Latin.
Persian books that he has previously rendered into English include “A Man and Many Worlds: The Notes and Memoirs of Dr. Qasem Ghani”, Mohammadali Jamalzadeh’s “What’s Sauce for the Goose” and “Once Upon a Time”, Ebrahim Golestan’s “Esmat’s Journey”, and Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s “Plagued by the West.”
Sprachman is also the author of “Language and Culture in Persian”, “Discovery Persian: An Elementary and Intermediate Persian Textbook”, “Suppressed Persian: An Anthology of Forbidden Literature”, “Introduction to the Modern Middle East: A Logic of Time and Place”, and “Calligraphy, Commerce, and Spirit in the Art of Dorothy Yung”.