UCLA 2009, or Freiburg University 1933? [incl. Gabriel Piterberg, Lisa Hajjar, Richard Falk, Saree Makdisi]

The universities were among the first institutions the Nazis took over. This one sounds worse than what went on at Harvard a couple weeks back: Campus Watch: Jew-Hate at UCLA [incl. Gabriel Piterberg, Lisa Hajjar, Richard Falk, Saree Makdisi]

Eric Golub writes:

A “Gaza and Human Rights” symposium hosted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)'s Center for Near Eastern Studies instructed attendees on how best to spread anti-Zionism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Americanism...

...Ludicrous ramblings included the statements, “Iran needs nukes to protect itself against America and Israel,” and “Israel has violated norms of civilized behavior. Palestinian resistance is the non-violent alternative.”

I then calmly asked my question.

“When are any of you going to ask Palestinians to take personal responsibility for their own corruption and failures, and admit they’re entirely responsible for their own miserable lot in life by choosing suicide bombings and terror over protecting their own children?”

Lisa Hajjar replied that it’s pointless to argue about “who started it.” “Occupation was the issue. Oppressed people must fight oppressors.”

I interrupted her by asking, “What about suicide bombings?”

Forgetting the event was being filmed, Hajjar lost her cool and retorted, “If you think I favor suicide bombings, then that Zionist hat on your head is screwed on way too tight!”

I replied that my hat was a Fedora, not a Chasidic hat. An “educated” woman would know the difference, although her lack of knowledge about hats was secondary to her bigoted statement. I told her “Your comment was out of line, bigoted and racist.”

She acknowledged such comments hurt “her cause” from a public relations standpoint, employing the same tacit language used to describe suicide bombings as “not helpful.” She backed down, apologizing twice, yet reiterating that everything else she had said was justified...

Hajjar’s outburst sounds like the only honest part of the presentation.

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