Teach-in Remarks

Subj: Teach-in Remarks
Date: 03-Apr-03 5:32:45 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: [Gary Sick]

From Gary Sick

As you are no doubt aware, there was a teach-in on the war at the CU
Rotunda on March 26. As a result of some outrageous and irresponsible
remarks by some of the participants, the event has become a target for
those who have their own agenda. Thus, Campus Watch has used this as an
opportunity to launch still another attack on their bete noire, Edward
Said (who did not speak at the meeting), and others on their hate list.

[A text of Sick’s remarks then follow. What Sick curiously does not mention is that the others mentioned on that “hate list” very prominently include himself: see http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/619.]

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