Professor: America More ‘Brutal’ Than ISIS [on Deepa Kumar]

It’s pretty disgusting and disturbing that someone – anyone – could actually think the United States of America is more brutal than ISIS. And yet, not only is that person out there, she’s a professor.

SoCawlege reports that Deepa Kumar, associate professor of journalism and media studies at Rutgers University and author of “Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire,” tweeted out recently that the United States is more brutal than ISIS because the U.S. has killed more people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.


SoCawlege responded by noting: “Well Professor Kumar, that’s like saying a person who accidentally killed two people in a car crash is more ‘brutal’ than someone who violently murdered an innocent to death. Civilian casualties are not intentional, and the acts of genocide, burning alive, and be-heading people on purpose are far more brutal than the actions of our military.”

“The only thing keeping the ISIS body-count down is a lack of ability, not of will. Thankfully, they lack the same technology and man power that our military has.”

Indeed, every single day we hear of new atrocities committed by ISIS – young girls raped, little boys trained to viciously murder, firing squads and beheadings of Christians and others who stand in their way.

This woman’s perspective is completely upside down. And she is educating our youth.

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