Obama OIC Representative To Participate In Conference With US Muslim Brotherhood [incl. John Esposito]

The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in cooperation with the American Islamic College (AIC) has announced a conference called “Islam and Muslims in America” to be held at the AIC from September 28-30. According to the conference website, topics to be discussed include American Foreign Policy & The Muslim World and Islam in the American Context. Persons of interested scheduled to speak or moderate at the conference include

  • Rachad Hussain, Special Envoy of the White House to the OIC
  • Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)- Chicago John Esposito, Professor of International Affairs & Islamic Studies at Georgetown University Safaa Zarzour, Secretary General of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

A Hudson Institue report identifies the AIC as possibly what was described in the early 1970′s as “the first Islamic university in the U.S.,” planned by the Muslim Student Association (MSA) and to be funded from unidentified sources in the Middle East (possibly Libya)..The AIC was at one time headed by MSA founder Ahmed Sakr.

For a short time, Rachad Hussain was embroiled in controversy after the GMBDR reported both his associations with the US Muslim Brotherhood and remarks that he had made in 2004 about the prosecution of convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian that were later deleted from the publication that reported them. Mr. Hussain at first denied remembering that he had made the remarks calling the prosecution “politically motivated persecution” but later, after an audio tape surfaced documenting the remarks, he acknowledged the comments but said that they had been “ill advised.” Mr. Hussain also admitted that he had complained to the publication about being misrepresented after the remarks were first reported but that the publication had deleted them on their own volition. The remarks did not appear to have been deleted until after Mr. Hussain had been appointed White House Counsel. (for an analysis of these events, go here)

Documents released in the Holy Land Trial have revealed that the founders and current leaders of CAIR were part of the Palestine Committee of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as identifying the organization itself as being part of the US. Brotherhood. A recent post discussed an interview with the Deputy leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in which he confirms a relationship between his organization and CAIR. Investigative research posted on GMBDR had determined that CAIR had it origins in the U.S. Hamas infrastructure and CAIR and it leaders have a long history of defending almost all individuals accused of terrorism by the US. government, frequently calling such prosecutions a “war on Islam.” A post from late last year discusses the limited relationship maintained by the FBI with CAIR due to concerns by the agency over the relationship of CAIR with Hamas.

Dr. Esposito has espoused views consistent with Brotherhood doctrine and during the 1990′s was known for his claims that Islamic fundamentalism was, in fact, democratic and posed no threat to the U.S. Dr. Esposito has at least a dozen past or present affiliations with global Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas organizations including having served on the advisory board of the Institute of Islamic Political Thought in the U.K. headed by Azzam Tamimi, a leader in the U.K. Muslim Brotherhood and often described as a Hamas spokesman. Dr. Esposito has also served with global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi on the Steering Committee of the Circle of Tradition and Progress and enjoyed a close relationship with the United Association For Studies and Research (USAR), part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and part of the Hamas support infrastructure. . In 2005, Saudi prince Alaweed bin Talal, a financial supporter of the global Muslim Brotherhood donated $20 million to the Center for Muslim Christian Understanding at Georgetown, headed by Dr. Esposito.

As documented in a Hudson Institute report, ISNA grew directly out of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. The organization has a long history of fundamentalism, anti-semitism, and support for terrorism and during the recent Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, ISNA was named as an unindicted co-conspirator as a result of what the government called “ISNA’s and NAIT’s intimate relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Palestine Committee, and the defendants in this case.” Although it is true that recently ISNA has issued condemnations of terrorism which for the first time identify Hamas and Hezbollah by name, there is no indication that the organization has ever addressed or acknowledged its history of support for terrorism. Also, as the Hudson Institute report observes, almost all of the ISNA founders remain active in the organization and ISNA maintains close relations with all other components of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. A previous post discusses ties between ISNA leaders including Safaa Zarzour and the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview, Illinois with further ties to Hamas and the Global Muslim Brotherhood.

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