Mayor Bloomberg has just announced the resignation of Dabah (aka “Debbie” and “don’t know-the-meaning-of-intifada”) Almontaser. Her cannily named public Kahlil Gibran Academy must be stopped, and its opening in September at the least deferred – for 10 good reasons. (Atlas Shrugs, which notes Almonaster’s connections to various academics)
Stop the Madrassa goes to the root of the matter: Unfortunately, the removal of such a principal from this school less than a month before it opens is not sufficient. Serious questions about her handiwork - her choices with respect to [Kahlil Gibran’s] curriculum, its textbooks, its teachers, the “retired Arabic-speaking community members” the Post reported that she wanted to bring in to “converse with the students during lunch periods,” etc. - remain to be satisfactorily addressed…Almontaser’s [use of] taxpayer-financing to promote Islamism disqualified her [from the beginning] from having anything to do with a public school…the only way the [school] could open this September would be to rely upon Ms. Almontaser’s appalling and reprehensible decisions, her judgments and, yes, her political agenda.
This school, as I and others are now telegraphing NY Chancellor Joel Klein, must not open. At the least its opening must be deferred. If this madrassah gets rooted, its clones will spread like wildfire throughour the nation.