The letter from Joel Klein Chancellor, NY Department of Education - open this file to read the whole disgusting submission to Islam. (click below the fold for pges 2&3)
Download Hale_Community_Letter_061907.pdf
An Atlas operative attended the MS447 PTA meeting which was held to update parents on the Khalil Gibran International Academy, the NY Arabic public school madrassa situation. Half the classes at the school will be taught in Arabic. Arabic is more than a language. It is explicated the language of Islam so in that sense it is part of the Islamic religious imperial project. Radical Islam advances through the Arabic language.
About 25 parents showed up. No media.
Garth Harries, Jerry Taylor-Brown (a woman in his office), Bill DeBlasio, and Sam Colen (not sure of last name or who he is) attended from the Department of Education.
Tom Dolan (P.T.A. President) summarized the agreement.
The parent’s concerns last night were:
1. Would all students have lockers as promised?
2. Dance Studio
3. Overcrowding in cafeteria, and because there are so many students, some are eating late and are hungry.
4.Last year there was a fire in the building. High School students exited first, leaving Middle School students waiting in the building. How would they manage in the future with more students?
5. Would the D.O.E. keep promises since they haven’t in the past. Would they put everything in writing?
6. Concern about sharing Science Labs with KGIA.
7. What will be KGIA start and end time?
Atlas operative (AO) waited for a parent to bring up serious concerns. This almost did not happen. Finally a concerned woman raised her hand and said;
”.....everyone remembers when Dhabah Almontasser read an e-mail from an Iraqi GI praising her and how wonderful this Arabic School is.” (everyone nodded yes and smiled).
Did you know she [Almontasser] recently received an award from the Council on American Islamic Relations and they are an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Hamas terrorism case?”
She continued that just read about a school in San Diego that tried this same experiment with an Arabic Cultural School and now they have Sharia law. Boys and girls are separated, there is Muslim prayer during classes, and Halal food in the cafeteria.
Her concern was that they kept saying that there will be accountability and the school will be monitored, but who in the D.O.E. speaks Arabic and how will they have someone sitting in the classrooms to hear what they are teaching? She could not see how that’s possible. And also, she asked “where are the textbooks? Don’t you all think we should see them?”
She thanked the P.T.A. for all of their hard work.
She thanked them for begging for new equipment and improvements and asked if anyone knew that after two years KGIA is “moving into brand new state-of the-art building while they were left in here.”
Harries glossed over every point she brought up and never answered a question or concern.
Someone raised their hand (Harries knew she was on his side) and said, “We definitely need police security because there are people who don’t like Arabs”.
Another questioned was asked about lockers and Harries ended the meeting.
A gentleman then asked to make a comment. He said that the whole affair was handled poorly and that he was distressed at Mayor Bloomberg’s comment in the New York Times early on in the discussions. He didn’t appreciate Bloomberg saying that he did not care what the parents wanted and the school would open. He hoped that in the future the parents would be consulted.
I caught an exchange between the female questioner and Harries. He accused her of being confrontational. He was beyond furious that someone would go along with the plan. The parents looked like lambs being led to the slaughter; happy, until right before they realize what’s up.
Another woman asked if the D.O.E. would allow her a variance at this late date so she can place her son in another school.
Another parent was concerned that the school would lose funding because of an enrollment drop. Harries promised they would not do this. Schools are given a certain amount of dollars per student. It is highly irregular to fund students who don’t exist.
Harries said enrollment for KGIA is at 100 students and they had to stop taking applications. I don’t believe this.
There are so many dangers involved. One crucial issue is the indoctrination.
The other issue is that Dhabah Almontasser and associates will be privy to everything that occurs in the Department of Education, especially concerning School Safety. If they know the procedures they have inside knowledge they can use to infiltrate the system. This is a huge issue. Thousands of students could be placed at risk.
The third issue is they will be given enormous amounts of dollars to fund their agenda, which is indoctrination, not education.
There are illegal immigrant students in the educational system already.
This is a very scary situation. Every local politician I’ve spoken to refuses to go near this. Some of them fawn over Almontasser.
More importantly -- this sets a dangerous precedent. Our taxpayer dollars being used to build these houses of hate.
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