“In this regard, Cedar Rapids is not much different from the rest of the nation in that it has not been shielded from the anti-Muslim bigotry and racism that other regions and communities have been experiencing,” he said.
This “epidemic of anti-Muslim bigotry” is a fiction. The real epidemic is that of a diseased sympathy for Muslims, that has even resulted in the attempt, by the giant tech companies — Google, Facebook, Twitter — to silence on social media such sober islamocritics as Robert Spencer and such sites as Jihad Watch.
“At the same time, the fact that Cedar Rapids is home to the Mother Mosque makes the city a promising venue for conversations about Islamophobia,” Green said. “From the history of Islam in Cedar Rapids, we are reminded that Islam is not a foreign religion, nor is it at odds with American values or a threat to American identity.”
Islam, he insists, is one facet of America’s cultural and religious landscape.
Let’s grant #1. Islam is no longer a “foreign religion.” It is, however, a very late arrival, and even now only 1% of the population is Muslim. #3 would require us to define an “American identity” which I cannot do satisfactorily, although I agree with Mr. Justice Potter Stewart, when he famously said about “obscenity” that, while he couldn’t define it, “I know it when I see it.”
So let’s focus on #2. How does the existence of that mosque in Cedar Rapids prove that Islam is not at odds with such “American values” as, inter alia, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, equal treatment of people of different religions, equality of the sexes? We know that when it comes to any criticism or mockery of Muhammad, Muslims are against freedom of speech; some even believe capital punishment is warranted. We all remember the martyred cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo and the attempts to kill Lars Vilks. The same limits apply to freedom of the press in a Muslim country: Islam and Muhammad are off limits to critics. As for freedom of religion, it does not exist in Muslim states for apostates from Islam, who can be severely punished, and even executed. In the Muslim state, non-Muslims used to be treated as dhimmis, subject to many onerous conditions, including payment of the Jizyah; that led many to convert to Islam not out of conviction, but in order to escape the wretched status of dhimmi. That is not exactly “freedom of religion.” The equal treatment of religions guaranteed by our Constitution is flatly contradicted by the Sharia, which privileges Islam above all other faiths, and Muslims above non-Muslims.
As for equality of the sexes, in Islam it does not exist. Qur’an 4:34 allows a husband to “beat” a wife he fears may be disobedient, and describes the man as “superior” to the “woman,” which is why he must be her guardian. Daughters inherit only half of what sons receive. A woman’s testimony is worth only half that of a man, because, as Muhammad says in a famous hadith, “of the deficiency of her intelligence.” A Muslim husband can marry plural wives, but a wife can have only one husband. He may divorce a wife merely by reciting the triple-talaq; if the wife wants a divorce, she must return her bride-price, or mahr, to her husband, and offer an acceptable reason for wanting the divorce.
These are only some, not all, of the differences between Islamic and American values.
“It’s had a home in this community, right here in the Heartland of America, for generations. Muslims helped create the Cedar Rapids that we know today. That’s a powerful message in this age of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim fearmongering,” he said.
Green’s latest book provides multiple layers of context around Islamophobia, showing readers how nearly all aspects of American life — politicians, media personalities and more — have come to equate terrorism with Islam, and how and why such connections are overblown and largely unfounded.”