Could they be more pitiful? The liberal media are literally dumpster-diving Sarah Palin now — combing through 24,000 pages of Palin’s e-mails during her time as governor, including from her Yahoo e-mail account.
It’s not just the American press gallery. Leftist media like the New York Times and Washington Post have flown reporters to Juneau, the capital of Alaska, to sift through the e-mails, like breathless schoolchildren reading from the private diary of the girl they really hate.
And let me tell you: It’s juicy.
Even the Guardian — a newspaper from London, England, put four reporters on the file, including flying two to Alaska.
This is the Media Party.
Real reporters don’t ask thousands of people — around the world — to dig up opposition research about a political enemy. But these aren’t real reporters. They’re gossips, they’re obsessed, they’re partisan.
And they’re a little bit deranged about her.
But their massive investment in this story paid off!
Here is what they found.
In an e-mail about an Alaskan political opponent, Palin wrote — in a private e-mail she surely never suspected would be published around the world — “What a goof he is ... truly annoying.”
Are you not scandalized?
She used the g-word!
In 24,000 e-mails, that’s what they found. Oh, she also says things like “holy moly.” She doesn’t swear, but she comes pretty close. She wrote “holy flippin crap” once.
Could you imagine if 24,000 e-mails you sent — from your work account, your home account, your BlackBerry were sifted through by the general public? What would they find if they sifted through 24,000 things you said?
The most amazing thing about these e-mails is Sarah Palin had the legal right to block anything that was of a personal nature. But she chose not to block a single e-mail — not one. That kind of transparency is unheard of in politics — in life in general.
We know far more about Sarah Palin, who holds no public office, than we do about U.S. President Barack Obama.
We know more about Palin’s daughter and about her daughter’s ex-boyfriend Levi Johnston, than we know about Obama’s family.
Where are Obama’s e-mails? Where were the four Guardian reporters dispatched to dig through his records?
The media positively engages in a coverup for him.
Take the Los Angeles Times. During the 2008 presidential election, the Times had a videotape of a 2003 party in Chicago where Barack Obama praised the guest of honour, a man named Rashid Khalidi, the former spokesman for the terrorist Yasser Arafat.
At that party, Israel was condemned as a terrorist state.
The L.A. Times has the whole evening on videotape. But they refused to release it during the 2008 election — or ever since.
So a videotape of man who was campaigning to be the president, praising a former PLO spokesman, was deemed not newsworthy — and in fact the L.A. Times suppressed it from anyone else.
But 24,000 e-mails from a former governor is the subject of a media frenzy.
The Media Party has a case of Palin Derangement Syndrome. They hate her more than they hated Osama bin Laden. They scrutinize her more than they’ve scrutinized their own Manchurian President.
They’re trying to destroy her. Funny — they keep making her stronger.