The Post’s Charles Lewis has written on a report from a U.S. think tank that condemns the textbooks used in Saudi Arabian schools and those funded by the Saudi government abroad.
From the story:
Despite a promise to remove attacks on other faiths from the public school curriculum, Saudi Arabia’s state-produced textbooks still refer to Jews and Christians as apes and swine, insist that Jews conspire to take over the world and on Judgment Day “the rocks or the trees” will call out to Muslims to kill the Jews, says the Washington-based Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank.
The problem is not a new one. Nina Shea, wrote a report in 2006 on Saudi textbooks and the U.S. State Department has been pushing Saudis to change their curriculum by a September, 2008 deadline.
“They want to take some of the pressure off by promising to make the changes ,but they are fairly confident that the State Department will not go after them and will not even bother to open the books or translate them, which they have not done at all.”
On the ‘role’ of Jews in world history
1. Sedition, ruses, and conspiracies throughout history. Examples include:
a. When the Prophet fled to Medina he concluded a treaty with the Jews there. They soon reneged on the agreement and began to use their poison to encourage divisions among Muslims. They incited the polytheists against the Muslims until the Prophet expelled them [the Jews] from Medina in disgrace.
b. Ibn Saba the Jew engaged in sedition against the Caliph Uthman Bin Affan. One of the results of his destructive movement was the martyrdom of Uthman at the hands of revolutionaries. Ali put up fierce resistance against the movement of Saba and he pursued the followers of Ibn Saba2.
c. The French Revolution: The Jews exploited the French Revolution to fight against religion, break down values, and spread meaningless slogans. They had a hand in planning the revolution and its code of morals.
d. The First World War: The Jews played a role in starting it.
1. Freemasonry. This is a secret Jewish organization that works surreptitiously to advance larger Jewish interests. Masonry is a deceptive word that fools listeners into thinking that it is a noble profession, since it means “free builders” and its slogan is “freedom, brotherhood, and equality.”
2. B’nai B’rith, or sons of the covenant. This group was founded in 1834 in America.
3. International Lions Clubs. “Lions” means lions. These are Masonic clubs based in America and they have secret agents all over the world.
4. Rotary Clubs. They were founded in 1905 in Chicago, America, and then spread all over the world.
Read more excerpts from Saudi textbooks.
Read the full report from the Hudson Institute