It’s not exactly the $1.98 Beauty Show, but Campus Watch has put out a list of professors you want to avoid if you are attending the places where they “teach”. It’s hardly surprising to me because most of these names have appeared on this blog over the years. I have actually heard eight of them speak. It would have been nine, but Rabab Abdulhadi failed to show for scheduled speaking appearance at UCI at the last minute-possibly because I was in the audience with my video camera and the Muslim Student Union failed in their attempt to keep me from videotaping.
I note that my old friend, Mark LeVine of UC Irvine is on the list. Given all the Howler of the Month awards from Campus Watch he has earned over the years how could they not put him on the list? This is the guy who told me I was not qualified to teach at UCI. (Maybe that’s because I have no Howler of the Month awards.)