Apparently, liberals and the media (synonyms in some dictionaries) are anti-"anti-American” only when it suits them. This week, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) made a profound patriotic observation. During a Hardball appearance on “MSDNC,” faithful friend of the Right, Chris Matthews cornered the Congresswoman into saying that Senator Obama had “anti-American” views. Actually, it was Matthews that stated the term first in the interview where Bachmann later “walked into a trap.” She has since clarified her statement not to include the phrase. She should have left “left-enough alone.” This story recalls numerous statements that good ole mom used to make. As for the Congresswoman’s statement: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
The truth is that Senator Obama’s platform is about as “American” as Stalin’s Soviet Union, the terrorists with whom he so eagerly wants to sit down, and french fries. Obama’s economic plan of “spreading the wealth around” would give Karl Marx chicken skin and his foreign policy has garnered the praise of America’s staunchest enemies – Hamas and Ahmadinejad. One should take pause when a candidate for the Presidency of the United States has garnered the praise of Her enemies.
His associations couldn’t be more anti-American. William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright probably won’t be selected for this year’s Fourth of July festivities. Hang on, it gets deeper. Saul Alinsky, the exemplary community organizer, whose writings inspired the inspiring “Change” and “Hope” themes with which we’ve grown so affectionate and fuzzy, also cited Satan himself as an exemplary “organizer” for taking along 1/3 of Angels to Hell. Tony Rezko’s banking ties to terrorist organizations in the Middle East, and Rashid Khalidi’s hateful sputterings regarding Israel’s existence don’t exactly draw tears of warmth and joy from Lady Liberty. We need look no further than Obama’s other half, Michelle, who was proud of her country for the first time only when her husband had serious chances for the Democratic nomination. Mom would say, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”
Yet, Bachmann barely skirts a political death sentence for questioning Obama’s associations - so questionable that he would fail an FBI background check, and so numerous that his 24 month public vetting has yet to exhaust such a list.
What could be more un-American than spewing hatred at a sitting President during war-time? And yet Nancy Pelosi gets a free pass for saying anything on her mind regarding President Bush. She has been quoted calling Bush “incompetent,” while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid calls him a “loser.” John Kerry called the GOP as a whole “the most crooked, lying group [he has] ever seen,” while calling Bush “not smart” and “intellectually lazy” with no support whatsoever. The french fries would be cold before these patriots could provide you with any substantive policies on which they base their accusations.
Congresswoman Bachmann raised serious and legitimate concerns about the policies of a candidate whose belief system and choice of friends are fundamentally problematic. Pelosi, Reid and Michelle Obama all get passes to slander a sitting President, and Congresswoman Bachmann’s chances of re-election are endangered. Apparently, the media and the Left (again, mutually interchangeable), only have a problem with un-patriotic statements when truckloads of evidence at least arguably support the assertion that Obama’s policies are “anti-American.”
Bachmann, one of the loudest voices for the rights of the unborn, would not have been chastised more if she had called Hillary’s pant suits anti-fashionable or Chris Dodd’s hair anti-human. She has a legitimate gripe with the substance of Obama’s policies, perhaps because they are the most liberal policies in the Senate, and possibly in the history of Democratic Nominees. Here, mom would say, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s probably a communist.