Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is determined to silence dissent against his Islamist regime even in America. On September 19, Turkish members of a NATO Parliamentary Assembly delegation stormed out of a Middle East Forum-sponsored conference in Philadelphia when a Turkish dissident took the stage. As Erdoğan addressed a gathering of American Islamists in New York City two days later, his bodyguards pummeled protestors – the fourth such incident on U.S. soil. Meanwhile, his regime looks east, to Iran and Russia especially, for new alliances. For more on these topics, see the selections at right. To keep abreast of Turkey and other critical issues, sign up to the Middle East Forum mailing list. | I Taught NATO to Stand Up to a Dictator Turkey’s Erdoğan Tries (and Fails) to Censor an American Think Tank American Islamists Turn to Ankara Turkey Attempts to Stifle Free Speech at MEF-NATO PA Event ‘Second Turkish Republic’ Looks East for New Alliances Erdogan’s Traveling Goon Squad Turkey’s Circus in Washington |