As reported in last week’s Sunday Star, Muzzammil Hassan has been charged with second-degree murder in the decapitation death of Aasiya Hassan, who had recently filed for divorce and obtained an order of protection that barred Hassan from their home. The ironic element that made this news is that Hassan, in part inspired by his wife’s distress over the negative image of Muslims in the wake of 9/11, launched Bridges TV in 2004 to provide more positive images of American Muslims.
And now, this tragedy has sparked headlines throughout the world, linking Hassan to the most negative stereotypes of Islam. Reports focused mainly on two questions: was this an “honour killing” linked to some barbaric interpretation of Islam or, given reports of past violence in the Hassan home, was this a horrific example of domestic violence?
Not surprisingly, Muslim leaders across North America are greatly troubled by media coverage that links this murder to the Muslim faith. They urge the media to look beyond stereotypes of Islam here.
That same concern was expressed by several Star readers who were dismayed that reporter John Goddard’s account of the beheading included two paragraphs about Islamic sharia law and divorce and those crimes that, Goddard reported, “under Islamic law” are punishable by “beheading, stoning, amputation of limbs or flogging.”
That information was attributed to a single source: a new book on sharia called Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law by Nonie Darwish, an Egyptian-born American who left Islam and whom many Muslims, and others, regard as being biased against Islam. These readers regarded the reference to sharia law as irrelevant, inflammatory and, some argued, erroneous, given that there are many, and often-conflicting interpretations of Islam and sharia law.
As Usman Sadiq wrote: “By discussing sharia law, citing obscure references and connecting that to the psychopathic behaviour of a man who beheads his wife” the Star’s reporting “inappropriately” implies that Islam condones such behaviour.
I agree that this reference to sharia law was irrelevant and I fear, inflammatory. It did not belong in this report. It made a highly speculative, simplistic link between the beheading and the murderer’s religion and culture using a single, questionable source. Further, given that the reporter is aware this source is considered by many Muslims to be anti-Muslim, standards of fair reporting demanded that he seek balance and also cite other sources. In his defence, the reporter says he understood himself to be quoting a reliable author citing facts that are not in dispute.
Responsible journalism demanded reporting that sought out several sources to provide varied perspectives that go beyond stereotypes that have the effect of holding up the criminal actions of one Muslim man as symptomatic of all those of similar faith.
In considering criticism of this report, Sunday Star editor Graham Parley has come to agree with this. He acknowledges that in the rush to report this news, “we made a mistake” in referencing information about sharia law attributed to a single biased source.
To be fair, it must be pointed out that the Star also received numerous letters from Muslims who praised the Star and Goddard for having the “courage” to reference sharia law in reporting this. A sampling of those views is published on today’s Letters page along with others who share my view.
Seeing the scope of the polarity in the debate here makes it only more apparent to me that the Star’s reporting did not live up to this newspaper’s standards of fairness and balance. This is not a question of political correctness; it is one of journalistic ethics.
Was this a valid news story? – absolutely. Is this beheading related to sharia? – we don’t know that yet. But the tenets of ethical journalism certainly demand that to raise that question required a fair and more balanced reflection of the diversity of the sharia debate. The Star‘s story, unlike that of other major newspaper reports I examined, did not do a full job of presenting the many sides of this.
Clearly, given the complexities of Canada’s pluralistic, multicultural society, responsible journalism demands that the Star go above and beyond to ensure that reporting on such highly charged matters does not sow discord through stereotypes that serve to vilify Muslims or those of any other faith, race or ethnicity.
On this test, the Star failed.