Warning not to eat dinners

Muslim parents are being told not to allow their children to eat meat at schools that are supplied with food by Lancashire County Council.

The call comes amid fears by Lancashire Council of Mosques that LCC’s latest suppliers of Halal products are not accredited by a certifying organisation that is in line with the Halal criteria adopted by the LCM in 2007.

Representatives from LCM visited one of the county’s suppliers in the past,and were alarmed to discover a non-Muslim man slaughtering birds which were then labelled Halal.

A statement issued by the council said: “There have been several flaws in the past in the certificates provided by LCC. We strongly feel that the LCC is doing a great injustice to the Muslim community and young Muslim children by feeding them meat and chicken which have not been endorsed by the LCM.

Muslim children in their thousands have been victims of this foul play in the past and we will not let this happen again.”

County council leader Geoff Driver, said: “It is disappointing that Lancashire Council of Mosques should make these misleading claims. We are 100 per cent certain that our new suppliers will provide fully-accredited Halal food that meets stringent food safety standards.

“We understand from the Food Standards Agency, which consults with national Muslim bodies, that there are a number of acceptable Halal certifying agencies. All of our suppliers’ products are certified by such agencies.

“We are determined to make sure that Muslim children and young people in our schools are provided with Halal meals that are nutritious, healthy and safe.”

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