Victory - Ground Zero Mosque Denied Lower Manhattan Development Funds

Briefly interviewed this afternoon, an obviously upset LMDC spokesman, John DeLibero, tersely stated that none of the organization’s $17 million in “cultural” grants would be awarded to the Ground Zero mosque, now rebranded - as if it were a nightclub - Park 51.

According to DeLibero, these were the last of such funds, making the rejection of mosque’s application final.

Rumors abound regarding the Byzantine workings of LMDC and its decision making process regarding this matter with some claiming that the reason Park 51’s application had been denied was because it had not yet attained a 501(c)3 designation from the IRS.

We beg to differ, this decision was forced upon LMDC by the heroic community activism of Joe Connor, Joan Romanelli, Tim Brown, Beth Gilinsky and others who comprise the United Liberty Alliance which kept up relentless pressure on the organization and followed it to a successful conclusion.

Also writ large in this successful effort to block the Islamist plan to erect a mega-mosque on the hallowed ground of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, was Dick Morris who lent his services to the effort, mainly in the form of petitions and media statements.

All of those involved are to be congratulated as patriots, resisting against the combined might of Mayor Bloomberg’s leftist bureaucrats, the effort to fund what would have amounted to an icon symbolizing Islamic supremacism on the hallowed site of Ground Zero.

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