Sovereignist group denounces Bill 60, says it goes too far

Saying it goes too far, a group of sovereignists who support inclusive secularism spoke out Sunday against the proposed Charter of Quebec Values.

Calling itself Sovereignists for Inclusive Secularism, the group said the proposed Charter takes banning wearing “conspicuous” religious wear to an extreme, adding Bill 60 would create a climate of intolerance in the province.

The groups said rather than promoting equality between the sexes, the bill would penalize Muslim women especially.

They said the Parti Quebecois has no studies to back up their plan and that the damage the Charter debate has caused will never be forgotten by Quebec Muslim women and their families.

The group includes former Bloc Quebecois MP Jean Dorion, a former PQ press attache Rosa Pires and former PQ candidate Robin Philpot.

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