I’ve written many times about how mainstream media reporters no longer try to maintain even the appearance of fairness, but approach those trying to resist the jihad and Islamic supremacism in the name of freedom and human rights as if the reporters’ job was to put us on trial and convict us before the world. Meanwhile, when they deal with Islamic supremacists such as the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf or Reza Aslan, they fawn all over them. A particularly egregious example of this is over at Atlas Shrugs today, where the Swedish “journalist,” Eigil Söderin, editor of ETC, www.etc.se, sent Pamela Geller a series of questions related to our Freedom March and the First Worldwide Counter-Jihad Action in Stockholm on August 4.
Geller wrote: “I am running the interview unedited because it vividly illustrates the difference between my real aims and the box the mainstream media wants to put me in.” Indeed it does:
Eigil Söderin: What are you hoping will be the outcome of the gathering i [sic] Stockholm? Pamela Geller: An international freedom alliance.
Eigil Söderin: Why are this meeting being held in Stockholm?
Pamela Geller: For the ease of the European groups attending, and to commemorate the jihad attack that was thwarted there a year ago.
Eigil Söderin: In your view, what sort of organisations poses the greatest threath [sic] to the western world?
Pamela Geller: Those that wish to deny freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and equality of rights of women and non-Muslims in our societies.
Eigil Söderin: What is the main goals for the counter-jihad movement?
Pamela Geller: To defend the freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and equality of rights of women and non-Muslims.
Eigil Söderin: What are you planning to do with the large muslim population in Europe, many of whom have been living here for generations?
Pamela Geller: Ask them to obey Western laws and principles of human rights and reject the elements of Sharia that are supremacist, authoritarian, and deny many of those rights.
Eigil Söderin: Do you want them deported?
Pamela Geller: No.
Eigil Söderin: You have been called islamophobic, what is your response to that critique?
Pamela Geller: “Islamophobia” is a word invented by the Muslim Brotherhood in order to intimidate people into thinking there is something wrong with defending against Islamic jihad and Islamic supremacism.
Eigil Söderin: Your blog and Jihad watch [sic] were a great inspiration for Anders Behring Breivik (Spencer name appears mor than 50 times in the manifesto, Breiviks mnetions you blog in the manifesto). Do you support the ideas of Breivik?
Pamela Geller: Neither Spencer or I inspired Breivik any more than did Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, Charles Darwin, John Locke and others he mentions in his manifesto. His manifesto is ideologically incoherent and very far from my ideas; he calls for alliance with Hamas and said at his trial that he was inspired by al-Qaeda. We did not inspire him and do not support his ideas.
This is the media’s attempt to smear and destroy those fighting for the preservation of our freedoms.
Eigil Söderin: Do you defend his actions?
Pamela Geller: No. I condemn his actions. His inspirations for these actions were Al Qaeda and Hamas. I have never called for violence but for legal defense of principles of freedom.
Eigil Söderin: On your blog you write about the massacre on Utöya, Norway, 22 july 2011. The blog post have been critizised.
I found the following quotes written by you:
“Glen Beck was not far off when he compared it to the Hitlerjugend or Young Pioneers. “
“Note the faces which are more MIddle [sic] Eastern or mixed than pure Norwegian.”
What do you mean by these words?
Pamela Geller: I did not write that. Those are not my words. Look again. And that last sentence is not even in my blog post.
That was in an article I referred by the “anti-Mullah” describing the anti-semitism in that camp You will have to ask him. “ANOTHER LOOK AT THE NORWAY LABOR PARTY PALESTINIAN AFFILIATION” posted by The Anti-Mullah
Eigil Söderin: Why do you make the point that some of the victims were not “pure Norwegian”? Pamela Geller: I did not make that point. It is not in my blog post. It was redacted from the excerpt.
What I said was “The slaughter was horrific. What these kids were being taught and instructed to do was a different kind of grotesque. There is no justification for Breivik’s actions whatsoever. There is also no justification for Norway’s antisemitism and demonization of Israel.”
Eigil Söderin: Does it make the killings more justifiable in your view?
Pamela Geller: Your question is intellectually dishonest and monstrous. No.
Eigil Söderin: Why did you accuse the terror victims of anti-Semitism?
Pamela Geller: Because the camp taught anti-Semitism.