Alex Seitz-Wald of Salon is a bit of a dim bulb; on Tuesday he tweeted this:
He was referring, however, to my piece at Atlas Shrugs (which, incidentally, was about him and his ilk: “The Monstrous Moral Inversion of the ‘Islamophobia’ Industry”), which was not an interview at all, but a column. When someone on his side gently pointed this out, the intrepid journalist Seitz-Wald responded: “I’ll admit I didn’t even bother reading enough to determine if it was an interview or a column.”
In light of his confessed carelessness and obvious dim-bulb status, it is no surprise that he would fall for a war-is-deceit sharpie like Hamas-linked CAIR’s Ahmed Rehab, even if Rehab’s deception skills are decidedly second-tier. Salon is an indefatigable exponent of the Leftist/Islamic supremacist alliance, and so even if they had sent a more intelligent writer than Alex Seitz-Wald to do this story, Rehab wouldn’t have had to work very hard.
And ask Pamela Geller for comment in a story about ads she originated? Or me, who was involved in the process? Of course not! Salon has all the politically correct opinions; it doesn’t have to be fair and balanced!
“Can ‘jihad’ survive Pam Geller?,” by Alex Seitz-Wald in Salon, January 9:
Since Sept. 11, the term has become synonymous with terrorism and villainy — but now a group of Muslims is trying to reclaim the word from the extremists, and redefine “jihad” to mean something normal and peaceful and good. They realize this won’t be easy.
Would such a group have an interest in obfuscating the meaning of jihad so as to foster the complacency of Americans? Alex Seitz-Wald doesn’t investigate this question.
“More correct” is a marvelously weaselly phrase. Is the idea that jihad is violent struggle correct or not? Apparently even the war-is-deceit propagandists who saw in Seitz-Wald the easy mark that he is couldn’t bring themselves to tell him that violent jihad wasn’t correct in Islam; they could only go so far as to tell him that the interior spiritual struggle was “more correct.” Seitz-Wald doesn’t notice the incoherence: to say that 2 + 2 = 4 is not “more correct” than to say that 2 + 2 = 5; it is correct and the latter is incorrect.
But in Islamic law, jihad as spiritual struggle is not the correct or “proper meaning,” while violent jihad is incorrect; both are accepted understandings of the concept. A manual of Islamic law certified by the highest authority in Sunni Islam, Cairo’s Al-Azhar University, as conforming “to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community” explained: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self (nafs).” After thus acknowledging the spiritual, “greater jihad,” the manual never mentions it again, but goes on for many paragraphs about the “lesser jihad,” that “war against non-Muslims,” giving rules for the taking of prisoners, the legal status of captive women, the subjugation of the infidels, and more.
This legal manual stipulates that Muslims must make war “upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians…until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” It specifies that the warfare against non-Muslims must continue until “the final descent of Jesus.” After that, “nothing but Islam will be accepted from them.”
Note that Rehab follows common and tired Islamic supremacist talking points in tarring as “extremists” both Islamic jihadis and those who resist them. He is trying to imply, with Alex Seitz-Wald’s willing help, that those who resist jihad are just as lethal, just as dangerous, as those who commit it. The goal, of course, is to intimidate people into thinking there’s something wrong with resisting jihad. To equate Pamela Geller, a political activist working to defend free speech, the freedom of conscience, and equality of rights for all, with Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the murders of 3,000 people, is a monstrous smear. It sails right by dim Alex, who probably thought it was incisive if he thought about it at all.
Rehab is also trying to hoodwink non-Muslims into thinking that the view of jihad espoused by bin Laden and al-Qaeda is “extremist,” as if the mainstream understanding of jihad is the bicycling-through-the-meadows type he is pushing. And we, of course, are greasy Islamophobes who are, in our hate, endorsing the view of the “extremists.” He doesn’t tell the ever-credulous and starry-eyed Seitz-Wald, although he surely knows, that warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers is the mainstream Muslim understanding of jihad, as I detailed here.
“Anti-Muslim” equals in favor of legal equality, the freedom to change one’s religion or have none at all, and the freedom of speech as our fundamental bulwark against tyranny. The appellation says more about Alex Seitz-Wald than it does about Pamela Geller, and is designed to imply that she is motivated simply by race hate, even though Islam is not a race, and not by any legitimate concern for the principles that are threatened by Sharia.
The quoted ad only suggests that “all Muslims are savages” if all Muslims support the bloody jihad against Israeli civilians like the Fogel family, murdered in their beds by Islamic jihadists whose deed was then celebrated in Gaza. I expect that Ahmed Rehab does support that jihad, but for him and other Islamic supremacist writers in the U.S. to suggest that all Muslims do is more than a little..."Islamophobic.” Doesn’t the Vast Majority of Peaceful Muslims reject jihad violence, as we are constantly told?
If the shoe fits, Ahmed.
Indeed. One that cosmetics won’t conceal.
Ads have already gone up on buses in Chicago and San Francisco, and will soon go up in 10 other major American cities and a handful of international ones, including London, Sydney and Melbourne. There’s a website, Facebook page and Twitter hashtag where people can share their own personal jihads.
On Monday, Egyptian activists working with the group even unfurled a giant banner in front of the main church in Cairo wishing a Merry Christmas (Coptic Christians celebrate the holiday on Jan. 7) in contravention of hard-line Islamic proclamations that Christmas should not be recognized.
That may not sound so scary, but the opposition has been predictably vitriolic. The group’s Twitter and Facebook pages have received hateful messages from hard-line Islamists. Geller, predictably, is exercised.
She has written at least a dozen posts using the campaign’s #myjihad hashtag, which currently represent about two out of every three posts on the front page of her influential anti-Muslim blog. Geller also seems determined to play a game of bait and switch to sabatoge [sic] the rival campaign. She registered the domain name (the real URL ends in .org) and is even trying to run copycat ads that are clearly designed to be confused with Rehab’s.
In her ads, the peaceful Muslim is replaced with pictures of Osama bin Laden and the burning twin towers. She trying to get approval from the Chicago Transit Authority for the ads to appear on city buses, but they may be rejected for infringing on My Jihad’s copyright to the template.
“Moderates” who support Hamas and dissemble about jihad’s meaning as enunciated by mainstream Muslim authorities throughout history. I myself am skeptical as to whether Seitz-Wald is really dealing with a “moderate Muslim voice” here, but no skeptical thought ever crosses the smooth contours of his brain.
Now he tells us. But with no mention of the group’s links to Hamas or jihad terror, of course.
Probably because the national office of Hamas-linked CAIR found his campaign too risible to support.
But can the popular conception of “jihad” really be changed with some ads and a hashtag?
“I would look at this conflict as I would any other product: We have an image problem,” said Arash Afshar, an Iranian-American marketing consultant who is not involved with the campaign. “This is exactly what Muslims should be doing … The way to combat an image problem is not to simply sit back and hope it goes away. You develop a branding strategy and motivate your already existing fan-base.”
Seitz-Wald concludes his article with a long and incoherent disquisition on how hard it will be for Rehab to change the meaning of “jihad.” It is incoherent because Seitz-Wald repeatedly asserts that the idea that jihad involves violence is wrong, improper, a “hijacking” of the term, but it never occurs to him to wonder why, if this understanding is indeed so illegitimate, it is so entrenched. Or if it did occur to him, he banished the thought quickly, before the thought police could possibly get wind of his ideological deviation. He’s a proper company man, and in this ridiculous hit piece he did a proper company job -- no real depth of thought or genuine analysis is needed for Salon. As long as the article portrays Pamela Geller and the counter-jihad effort as evil, evil, evil, that’s good enough for the enlightened Leftist hatemongers and enemies of freedom that make up Salon’s core audience.