Quebec’s values charter is a good idea

The threat of sovereignty seems to be fading as the Liberals under Philippe Couillard make a comeback in the Quebec election campaign.

If the Liberals win Monday, it would also spell victory for Canada’s multiculturalists, who advocate cultural relativism to the point that they often turn a blind eye to practices running counter to Canada’s values of equality.

Quebec Premier Pauline Marois says if the Parti Quebecois is elected, it would, if necessary, invoke the notwithstanding clause in the Canadian charter to protect its controversial Quebec values charter.

It is debatable whether the PQ would do so out of conviction or as a wedge issue in Quebec politics.

Nevertheless, it would be a legitimate use of the notwithstanding clause.

It enables provincial legislatures to override “fundamental rights”, including freedom of religion, conscience, expression and association.

The Quebec charter would ban public sector workers from displaying any religious symbols or garb at work such as crosses, kippahs, turbans, hijabs, niqabs or burkas.

Some consider this un-Canadian while others believe restricting the public use of certain garbs, like the Muslim face veil, is desirable.

The latter see the face veil in particular as creating unnecessary barriers between people as well as subjugating women, and believe they have the right to see the faces of who they are dealing with in the public sector.

They feel public sector workers who cover their faces are violating their rights.

On the other hand, the Christian cross, Sikh turban, Jewish kippah and other religious symbols do not evoke the same kind of hostility.

People who find the Quebec charter draconian should remember religion in Quebec can still be “worn on the sleeves” in one’s free time.

Displaying religious symbols would be curtailed only in the public sector work environment.

It remains unclear how the charter would actually be implemented.

Would public sector workers be fired for not complying?

Public sentiment, even in Quebec, seems to be against this.

In any event, the Quebec charter would have little bearing on most religious workers in the public sector.

Many religious people do not feel obliged to wear or display their religious symbols at work, one of the exceptions being devout Muslims, who have distinct religious attire they consider mandatory.

In fact, the Quebec charter seems mainly aimed at fundamentalist Muslims, who often seek to advance a political agenda rather than simply express pious serenity through their dress.

In my view, invoking the notwithstanding clause to counter this assertive religiosity is desirable.

Using the Quebec values charter would help check the spread of patriarchal values and the virtual segregation of women.

If you are a hijabi or niqabi worried about this, rest assured Islam does not mandate the veiling of women.

Marois may appear xenophobic to some and a liberator to others, but her nationalistic zeal has shown Canada a way to preserve its own identity.

The rest of Canada should also move to ban such religious symbols from public display.

While the Quebec charter may not materialize, Canada should formulate a parallel charter that would expressly ban obscurantist religious attire like the niqab and burka.

Public sentiment across the country would likely favour such a move.

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