Muslims took over British underworld the day Twin Towers fell

In traditional Islamic headgear, Asian ex-gang member Amir poses with his sword and issues the stark warning: “Britain’s underworld belongs to the Muslims.”

The 21-year-old, whose organisation turned over thousands of pounds a day from drug-dealing and credit card scams, claims a post-9/11 fear of terrorism has allowed Muslims to develop a stranglehold on our criminal community.

Through Islam, he says, they have numbers which cannot be matched, and rival gangs are being forced out by ruthless Islamic criminals who only deal with each other.

They recruit black and white members in Britain’s jails, tempting them to convert to Islam in exchange for a cushier life inside.

Once released, the converted cons have access to an entirely new network of Muslim criminal contacts - and are trusted because they pray to Allah.

Amir claims that Britain’s underworld will soon be completely dominated by Islamic gangs - and he says the West’s paranoia over terrorism is to blame. “People don’t f*** with us because they think we’re all in al-Qaeda,” he explains.

“Our status in the criminal hierarchy changed literally the day the Twin Towers went down.

“From then, Asians have been associated with terrorism. People, including other criminals, think if you’re Asian you’ll blow up a Tube train or bomb an aeroplane.

“In the past 20 years we’ve capitalised on that. If we’re going to be thought of as extremists, why not use that fear?

“The reality is that Asian gangs don’t give much of toss about religion, but with Islam comes fear, and with fear comes power.

“Religion is important to us only as a way of defining who we can trust and who we can work with.”

Amir adds: “Young Muslim gangs aren’t worried about what Allah makes of their criminal ways - they don’t believe in it to that extent.

“Through religion we speak the same language, live in the same areas, go to the same schools and can even use mosques as a safe place away from the police or other gangs. If you f*** with a Muslim gang you’d better be able to run fast or hide well, because they will come back at you in numbers.”

You do not have to look far to find an example of this.

In 2007 white schoolboy Henry Webster was beaten with a hammer by a huge gang of Asian pupils calling themselves the Asian Invasion. The 15-year-old pupil at the Ridgeway School in Wroughton, Wilts, was left brain-damaged.

Since then, it has been said in court that the school was the scene of numerous violent incidents involving Asian youths who were “radicalised and hostile” since the 2005 London bombings.

And in March last year, Judge Giles Forrester warned that London’s streets are becoming “increasingly dangerous places” as he jailed an Asian gang for stabbing to death rival black gang member Jevon Henry, 18, in north London.

Jevon Henry and a pal had been trying to extort money from drug dealer Muhid Abdul, 25.

The pair were ambushed on the Lisson Green estate by Abdul and four accomplices. Abdul stabbed Henry, while pal Toufajul Miah, 19, hit him with a hammer.

Amir claims another motive for his own choice of weapon. He says: “We carry swords for protection. I’ve had to use mine more than once.

“Problem is, these days nobody fights on their own. You’ll get attacked by a whole gang, so you have to have something like this to stop people messing.

“Some people do carry guns, but very rarely. The police constantly stop and search young Asians in London and I’d rather get caught with this than a gun because the punishment is less.”

The Sun discovered that most of Britain’s prisons are dominated by Muslim gangs.

We spoke to a former prisoner we will refer to only as Steven, who was repeatedly approached by prison imams - Muslim priests - and asked to convert. Steven, who is British-born and white, rejected the approaches.

He says: “When I went inside the Muslims offered me help from top lawyers on the outside who would fight to get my sentence changed, if I joined them.

“I always resisted, but you have to understand how tempting it is to convert. First, you have their protection. You’re totally alone in prison when you get there, and if you can’t look after yourself life is hell. You’re beaten, robbed and bullied.

“Second, every Friday Muslims are allowed prayer meetings. This is free time away from the guards, so they can plot, make new contacts and often discuss anti-West ideology.

“Muslims also get better food. They have money sent in for their kitchens from the Muslim community outside, and they get special Halal dishes stipulated by Islam.

“Then, when a converted prisoner finishes his time, he leaves as an even bigger criminal with an entirely new contact book of Muslim criminals to do business with.”

Steven, who has spent time in eight prisons, adds: “Where the Muslim gangs come into their own is shifting drugs. If a white gang from London buys a kilo of coke, they then have to sell it.

“You can only sell your gear if you have contacts. The white gang will only know a few people in their area and won’t trust or be trusted by other gangs. They won’t deal with Eastern European, black or Asian gangs.

“But the Muslim network is vast and stretches up and down the UK, so they can shift drugs extremely quickly. That makes the money-making potential of a Muslim gang a hundred times that of a British or European gang.”

Drug-dealing and credit card fraud are the areas in which London-based Asian gangs are most active. In fact, some dealers get so busy that even their mobile phone SIM cards become a commodity.

Steven says: “A drug gang’s number can be worth hundreds of thousands. Say they have 100 punters phoning that number every day asking for a fix - that means thousands of pounds of business.

“The SIM card of that phone can be sold to another gang because the junkies who phone don’t give a s**t who is dropping off their crack or smack, they’ll just keep calling.

“I’ve heard of SIM cards selling for up to £250,000.”

According to Amir, Asian gangs start early. He says: “If you go to school in an ethnic area you either join a gang or end up bullied, in some cases to the point of being killed.

“So to avoid a life of hell a kid joins a gang. Once you’re in, life is easy - no more beatings, people to talk to, stuff to do.

“After school you graduate into more serious gang activity. You’ve got no qualifications because you’ve spent your school years resisting authority, and suddenly you need to make money.

“A boss can make up to £8,000 a day running a gang of 40 workers drug-dealing or scamming credit cards, and a worker can make £1,000.

“With the police getting more intelligent and busting people more, money is getting harder to make.

“Ten years ago, Asian gangs would go to war with Yardies and white gangs. But now, we’ve got London all sewn up, so the only people we end up warring with is each other.

“We have no one to compete with other than our own people, so Muslim gangs are starting to fight.

“Muslims have this country under control. Nobody can touch us.”

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