Drivers on I-35 at Cambridge Circle may notice a new billboard that’s part of a public awareness and outreach campaign to counter hate and fear.
The space was bought by the Islamic Circle of North America, Kansas City Chapter (ICNA-KC) and says: “MUSLIMS CONDEMN ALL VIOLENCE”. It then invites people to call 1-800-662-ISLAM or to learn more about Islam.
Imran Hassan, with the ICNA-KC, told FOX 4 in an email that Islam and Muslims stand against all violence be it the Orlando shooting, the San Bernardino shooting, the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, the Dallas shooting or the Charleston Church shooting.
“There is no place in Islam to take the life of any innocent person. The diversity of humanity into many races and ethnicities is a testament to God’s majesty and wisdom. Therefore, racial superiority and discrimination of any nature are prohibited in Islam. The Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said: ‘No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab. Nor does a white man have any superiority over a black man or the black man any superiority over a white man. You are all children of Adam and Adam was created from clay,’” said Hassan.
The billboard on I-35 and Cambridge Circle in Kansas City will be up for 4 weeks from Oct 31st.
The Kansas City chapter of Islamic Circle of North America is one of 25 chapters around the nation, with a mission to promote proper understanding of Islam and Muslims.